Poems from a liar { Fate-or- Mate}

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  • Dedicated to the choice was the shy boy..:P blahhh

                                                                       Fate or Mate?

He was my 8th grade crush.

He made my heart race when he looked me in the eyes

His smiled was crooked

And, he was a jerk to everyone

Flirted with all the girls but me.

Called girls sluts but me

Everyone but me

Things went cold and he ignored me

But still he was my 8th grade crush

Fate or mate?

Hes shy

He's everything but....

Nothing i dreamt of

Nothing i imagined

But here he is

Jerk is garbage and he is the one

Not my 8th grade crush but my crush

My love

My soul

My heart

I think of him

I sing for him

I fantasize for him

If only He would answer

Maybe, i have bad luck but...

cry no boy. cry no pain

But tears run down my eyes thinking of him with another girl

Another touch

Another laugh

Another hug

Another kisss....

Can, won't, will not stop loving

Its not my fault

Two guys.

One a jerk

Ones shy

ONe girl

ONe heart

ONe choice

Fate or mate??

It was always him as soon as he said hello.......


Love troubles? this is the poem thnk for reading :P

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