A Short Confrontation

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The bell rings and all the students stand in time, mimicking each other perfectly like the soulless robotic beings they are. The halls are full of movement, but there is no life in these empty tunnels between rooms of silence. No one here is happy by themselves, that's why we are all here. A school for nightmare children, the ones that no one wanted on their hands. I make my way through the halls, cowering even further below all of the towering giants that walk these passageways, waiting like a bear trap to snap at anyone who touches them. Truly, this is the school of the damned.

"Watch where you're going, faggot!" I wince at the familiar sound of a skull slamming against these brittle metal lockers. Someone was caught. I see students quickening their pace, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of this brewing battle.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't looking. Um, I'm not, I'm not gay." Oh no. I can't help but feel bad for the kid, everyone knows that you never speak back to them.

"Don't lie to me, you worthless piece of shit!" The senior's loud voice gets deeper and I brace myself for the sound we all know too well.


There it is. I look over quickly to see a figure crumple to the floor, hands cradling their face. I've never seen this person before, I pray that they stay down, that they don't give him a reason to strike again.

"You should just kill yourself, fucking pussy." I feel my blood boil at his harsh, assaulting words. The senior lands a sharp kick on the younger student, who just winces and sinks further into the floor.

As quickly as it started, it's over, students and teachers alike turning a blind eye and rushing away. They make me sick.

I look around the hall to see it completely empty aside from the besieged figure lying crumpled on the floor. It seems that I'm the only one who stayed behind for them. I feel my heart strain at the sight, he had gotten it worse than anyone else I had seen.

The bells rings out sharply, causing me to tear my gaze from the figure who is now sobbing quietly into their hands, blood leaking from a cut on their forehead. They have chocolate brown hair that is curled slightly, sweat matting their short hair and oversized clothes onto their lean form. They look up for a moment and I find myself staring into their deep green eyes, rimmed with new purple bruises, shining from the tears that flow out of them like a river.

I tear my eyes from theirs and shuffle away quickly, feeling my feet sinking into the ground from the weight of my conscience. The corners of my vision darken, as if the light is being drawn from inside my mind. I break into a run, trying desperately to pull that broken figure's eyes out of my mind.

As I sit in the back corner of my next class, I feel ashamed; ashamed of the faculty, for allowing this to happen, ashamed of students for not helping him and most of all, ashamed of myself for allowing him to sit alone as I sunk away into the crowd of watching eyes.

The final bell rings and my fellow 10th graders rush to the door, desperately clawing to be the first to escape this hellish prison of boredom and torment. Normally I would hang back, trying to avoid all conflict, it's not like I have much of a home to get back to. However this time I'm part of the mass, rushing out of the room to try and satisfy my thoughts on that broken student.

I make my way back to the hallway, but it is completely deserted, only a few small red droplets splashed across the floor and lockers proving that anything had happened here.

I sigh and turn away, the only thing I gained from this is more worry for where they could be. As I make my way out of the school I cross paths with the brute who had attacked the student. I stand and stare for a moment, thinking of all the awful things I wish someone would do to them.

But it would never be me.

"What are you looking at, bitch?" He sneers, stretching out that last word that hit me like a brick. My face heating up at the sudden confrontation. My gaze returns to the dirty concrete floor and I shake my head slightly.

"Well? What do you want bitch?" He smirks at me, sauntering over. He towers at least 15 inches over me, rendering them massive over my seemingly puny 5'6.

"I-nothing, I'm sorry." I manage to mumble out, and he steps closer, squatting down to be eye level with me. I wrap my hoodie tighter around myself and rush back home, my thoughts no longer occupied by the brute, but once again focused on the student in the halls.

A/N: Excuse me who the fuck read this!?? Why are there two I'm not ready

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