That Broken Boy

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I see him roaming the halls the next day, head down and shoulders slumped as he shuffled along the hallway.

"Are you back for more faggot?" A familiar voice sneers, and I flinch at the sound.

"N-no! I'm not, I'm sorry!" He flinches away from the brute, hiding in his hoodie. The boy is quite tall, over six foot I'd say, but still no match for the height of the senior in front of him.

A brutal beating ensues, even worse than yesterday, and as the hall clears the boy is left curled up and sobbing loudly against the locker, adding tears to the collection of blood pooled below him.

It is break time, so I have no classes to go to. I stand awkwardly, unsure of whether or not I should go and talk to him. He is still there sobbing after 5 minutes, and hasn't noticed my presence.

His sobs start to subside and he lifts his head, once again catching me with those bright green eyes of his. I feel like I'm frozen, my body unable to do anything as we stare at each other. Eventually he turns away, breaking the trance that I'm under, so I shuffle quickly away. He probably didn't want to talk to me anyway.

Little did she know how wrong she was.

A/N: Hey! I hope you're enjoying the story, sorry about the shorter chapter, but I had a bit of a change of heart as to where I wanted to take the story, so chapters will be between 200 and 800 words now. Thanks!

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