Act III, Scene I

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We are still in space and we hear Cosmo's voice narrating...

Cosmo: When we last saw Madelyn Whyte, she jumped into the Darkness to save her friends and Dad! (He pauses.) Okay, let's move on with the story, that's all I got. (There is silence.) Hello? Anyone? (There is still silence.) Wow, it's really dark out here again...


Madelyn was tossing and turning in her bed. She woke up in an instant and when no fairies 'poofed' out to her, she assumed that it was all a dream. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, allowing herself to get up. She went into the bathroom and got dressed. She got out into the living room and saw her Dad.

She greeted, "Morning Dad."

"Morning Madelyn," Tom greeted, "Make sure you eat your breakfast before you go meeting your friends."

"Right," she responded, still rubbing her eyes.

Tom saw how tired she was and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you so tired?"

"Well..." Madelyn explained. "I think I was just having a weird dream. But it's nothing to be worried about."

Tom stated, "Well, if you are sure then..."

Madelyn promised, "I am, don't worry."

With that, she hugged her Dad and headed out.


Madelyn had gotten to the park and almost immediately she ran into Candice.

She smiled at Madelyn and gushed, "Madelyn, right on time!"

"Right on time for what," Madelyn asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't you remember, Madelyn," Candice asked, shaking her head. When Madelyn shook her head 'no' to this question; Candice added, psyched, "Well, Allison got some local power players to meet us here!"

"Seriously," Madelyn shrieked, "This might be the greatest day ever."

That's when they saw Allison with a few amount of people. Before anyone could say or do anything, an explosion caught their attention. Everyone started to cough and as the smoke cleared, they all saw Eliminators.

"What the heck?!" Allison asked.

"What are robots doing here?!" Candice questioned.  Madelyn was in shock. This wasn't supposed to be happening! How the hell were the Eliminators real if everything she experienced for the past two days....was a dream? Candice asked, "What do they want?!"

"Get the Chosen One!" They all declared.

"Those damned things want me..." Madelyn explained, grabbing a pole nearby. She spun around to the best of her ability but she looked like a master doing it. She pronounced the Eliminators, "I am the Chosen One! And I defeated the mighty Darkness twice. And I'll do it again, damn it!"

"Madelyn Whyte, you did not defeat the Darkness..." One Eliminator started to say. At those words, it pulled off its head. Madelyn was expecting to see wires....but instead she saw Jorgen's face! He finished, "You're in the Darkness!"

That's when the other Eliminators pulled off their heads and revealed themselves to be Iris and Cupid.

"Hi, Maddie!" They said, in unison.

Madelyn's eyes flew open wide upon seeing the three fairies. The real fairies turned the friends and the other people into the Eliminators.

Jorgen told her, "Listen to us...this is all an illusion to distract you so you won't fulfill your destiny and defeat the Darkness!"

"Ah man..." Madelyn groaned, "This is so not my day!"

Jorgen grabbed her and they took off. Once 'Serene' turned into the Darkness, Madelyn realized that her fairies were telling the truth.

Cupid looked ahead and cried out, "Ah, the porthole is closing!"

Madelyn yelled, "Jorgen, you dumb ass! Do something!"

Jorgen pressed on button on the scooter that read, "Warp speed". Jorgen pressed the button and they blasted out of there before the porthole could close. They got away and the Eliminators stopped where they were.

The Darkness demanded, "Must have Madelyn Whyte. She must not be eliminated."

One of the Eliminators responded, "Got it, totally clear."

The other Eliminator said, "Madelyn Whyte, no eliminate-o."

The Darkness added, "Find Madelyn Whyte and bring her to me."

With that, the Darkness sent out its Eliminators to find and search for Madelyn.


The fairies and Madelyn returned to her room in her house. Their faces had gotten flat from the speed they were traveling. Jorgen saw Nacey, who looked like she had just collapsed.

Madelyn wished, "For Pete's sake, I wish our faces were normal!"

With a 'poof', all of them returned back to normal and Jorgen went over to Nacey. He held her in his arms, worried. It didn't take long for Nacey wake up.

Jorgen softly stated, "You did a fine job, my old friend, by holding that porthole open long enough for us to escape with Madelyn."

Nacey smiled at her fairy friend, got up, and replied, "It's my job."

Madelyn asked, changing the subject, "So, I wasn't home in Serene? I w - was in the in some sort of stupid ass fantasy?"

Iris answered, "Yeah."

Madelyn asked, pointing out the oblivious, "And now that I'm out it will probably come back and get me?"

Cupid replied, "I would put money on that."

Madelyn asked, "And now we're going down to my temporary headquarters where my army is assembled and ready to battle the Darkness?"

Jorgen reported, "Bingo!"

With that, they all got outside, where Madelyn pulled down on the mailbox, and they got into the headquarters.

Everyone greeted, in unison, "Welcome back Madelyn!"

Tom stated, "Glad to see that you are safe, Madelyn."

"Thanks Dad." Madelyn replied, after kissing Richie on the cheek.

Mark commented, "Well, I think we better get ready to, like, free my planet."

Jorgen added, "And help me and Nance free Fairy World."

Nacey finished, "And help us stop the Darkness and save the world."

Madelyn reported, "And that's what we are going to do...together." She turned to Allison and demanded, "Allison, status report!"

Allison reported, "No sign of the Darkness in our galaxy yet, Madelyn."

"Good, gives me a second to catch my breath," Madelyn commented, which got a laugh out of everyone.


Wishmaker1028: And that's the end of chapter thirteen! I hope that you're enjoying this. Sorry for the delay, my Wattpad App was acting up pretty badly. Anyways, please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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