Five Heroes and a Baby

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        My earliest childhood memory consists of my mother receiving a notice from a guy in a suit and breaking into tears as she read the letter. She then proceeded to pack up a bag of my things and told me we were going to the park. I remember finding it funny she packed up my clothes for just a trip to the park but moms know what they’re doing right?  Once we got to the park she sat at a bench as usual and I ran off to play on the jungle gym. I kept checking on her to make sure she was okay, the entire walk to the park tears streamed down her cheeks. After checking on her a few times I came to the decision that she would be okay and that I could go play soccer with the other kids. The sun started going down and all the other kids left for dinner so I ran back to the bench my mom sat at. The problem was my mom wasn’t there. My backpack sat alone without an adult to accompany it. I grabbed my bag and ran home to find that she wasn’t there either. I tried calling the police but the phone wasn’t working. After trying the police a few times, I decided I need to go higher up on the totem pole. Before I went on my search, I grabbed my stuffed Captain America teddy bear. My mom made it for me when I was born or so I was told. After retrieving my companion and a few supplies, I went to find the highest authority I could think of.

            I stood in front of the sky scraper and couldn’t but grin. It was just like I imagined it. I quickly ran up to the door and knocked repeatedly. I then realized they probably couldn’t hear me and there was a speaker with a button right next to the door. After scolding myself for being stupid, I pressed the button and an older sounding gentleman responded.

            “Hello, you have reached the Avengers tower. It is rather late in the evening to be calling, if it is an emergency please go to the local authorities. If you are a fan looking for an autograph please kindly return at a more appropriate hour. Thank you and good evening.”

            I stared up at speaker with a dumb grin on my face, it was just as I imagined. Well, not really. I never imagined being turned away by an electronic being. I pressed the button again but received no response so like the annoying five years old I was I pressed the button repeatedly. Eventually the voice appeared again and small light appeared next to it.

            “Young lady, I am not entirely sure why you are out so late but you must go home.” The voice said.

            I stood up on my tip toes and poked the light, “Are you watching me through there?” I asked.

            “Stop that, you’re smudging the lens. Please go back home.”

            “I can’t” I said. I stopped poking the light deciding I didn’t want to upset the voice.

            “Why not?” It asked.

            “Because my mommy is missing. I tried calling the cops but they don’t answer their phone so I decided maybe you guys could help me.”

            There was a long pause before the voice responded.

            “You may come in. Take the elevator and press the green button.” A soft clicking noise followed by the front door opening slightly made me smile up at the speaker.

            “Thanks, mister” I quickly ran inside and closed the door behind me.

            The lobby was pretty large with chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a welcoming desk at the center assembly for when they had guests. I did as the voice instructed me and went into the elevator. I pressed the green button and held Teddy Cap close, I didn’t like elevators. The elevator music was what I later found out to be Ac/Dc which made the trip slightly more frightening. The music stopped and the doors slid open to reveal a large living room and kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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