Here comes an Ex

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Chapter 3



So we finally arrived at Matt's class, I see Malia so I go to her. "Hey!" I said as I sneak up on her from behind. She turns around, "omgosh Bailey you made it!" She says along with a hug. Too bad Tati didn't come. Ken interrupts, "hey Bailey imma be over there with Gabe and Sean" he says as he points to where the boys are standing. "Yeah of course" I say as I smile at him.


Matt: Okay everybody, thank you guys all for your time tonight. You guys killed it. We are going to film some groups. Dana and I will be demonstrating first.

*Matt and Dana finish dancing*
Matt: Now can we have Kenneth and Sean at the front and Josh and Gabe at the back.

So the boys are dancing and can I just say they're all killing it. I'm across the room from Malia and I can see her staring at Sean, with her "boy crazy" eyes and she rarely does it. I have a gut feeling she likes him.

*Boy group finishes*

Matt: Since we're running out of time tonight, we're going to have one more group. Bailey and Soni you're at the front. that's her name, I saw her talking to Ken before class started.

Matt: and Anneston with Marielle at the back.
We finished dancing and I mean, not to be cocky but I out danced her.

Matt: Thank you all for coming tonight, you guys are all talented and amazing. I hope you guys learnt something new today and I hope you all get home safely.
He says his goodbyes, everyone says bye to each other and Ken and I go back to his car to get back to my place.
*in the car*


When we're in the car I can feel some off vibes with Bailey, I feel like I did something wrong. I cut the silence, "that was fun wasn't it?" There was a slight gap until she replied "mm yeah sure was" she says as she puts her seat belt on and turns her head to her side looking out the window.

"A-are you okay?" I put my hands on her shoulder, "did I do something wrong?" She removes my hand and faces me, "Ken, just drive, please. I just want to get home." I don't want to put her in an even worse mood so I start the engine, look at her one more time and then I start driving. The whole ride was silent, I put on some soft music to make it somewhat less awkward. But I can't seem to figure out what I did wrong or why she is upset, she looked happy dancing. I mean, she nailed it.



I walk in the house and I can hear Ken behind me. "Guys I'm home" I yell out. No one answers so I just go upstairs and Ken is obviously following me. When I got in my room, I let myself fall onto the bed.
"Bailey, are you alright?" I hear ken say as he sits on the edge of my bed. I didn't give him an answer, I turn my body away from him. He stands up, "you know I can leave if you want me to" he says as he heads over to pick up his bags.

Okay now I feel bad, I sit up, "No Ken, I don't want you to leave." He drops his bags and sits next to me, "well then, what's up?" I took a deep breath, "who was that girl?" Ken looked confused, "what girl?" "The one that was talking to you, acting all flirty and what not. Soni or whatever" I say as I looked at him. "Oh her, that was my ex from ages ago. She started asking me really personal questions about my love life and I had to lie and say I was with you. She got mad and annoyed but I told her that me and her are never going to be a thing again. Don't worry about her though. As long as your with me, she can't get to you," Ken says as he lifts my chin up to face him, "I have eyes for you and you only." I give him a little smile and hug him tight, "I'm sorry for ignoring you". He pulls me in tighter, "it's okay, I love you".

To be continued...
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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