Chapter 2: Naval Base

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[Y/N's POV]

After fighting against those monsters, i met girls with weapons. My previous Base Commander told me to attack anyone insight so i followed his orders.

What i saw was a bunch of Females in Monster like frames that attacks me when they saw me in the sea. I defeated tons of enemies until i met these girls.

Later on, one of them shoot an ammo able to penetrate my shield and zap me until I'm unconscious.

Now... Well.. I'm in a... Bed...

I look to my left and saw a guy wearing white long sleeved uniform with a white hat. He's sitting in a chair.

???: hello there Y/N. Glad to see you here at my base

I'm whimpering to pain... That special ammo really tear my defenses and made a wound in my left arm that pierced not just in the shield but also the body of my grappling hook. And speaking of equipment, mines is placed in a far side of the room.

Me: who are you?

Admiral: i am the admiral of this naval base. And those girls that you intend to kill are mines. So we are forced to use an ammo to knock you off and put you here safely

Me: is that so?

Admiral: your commander send you to this naval base for assisting us in defending it and also eliminate the enemy abyssal fleet

Abyssal fleet? Are they the ships i fought earlier other than the girls

Admiral: from now on, you will stay with us and assist us in our missions.

Me: uh... I guess there's no other way eh.

Admiral: listen Y/N, if you need further help, just ask me in my office. Feel free to go anywhere. But first, stay here and rest.

Me: will do.

Admiral: and maybe after a good rest, apologize to the girls for almost taking their lives.

I then nodded. He stands and left my room. I can't feel my feet till now but i know I'll be fine

Knock! Knock! Knock!

After those knocking a girl entered my room. She then goes to my Table and placed a bowl of rice, a plate of steak, a bowl of soup and a bowl of vegetable salad.

Mamiya: hello there Y/N. Im Mamiya. If you need more food just drop by to my restaurant.

Me: oh.. T-thank you.

She then winks and leaves the room. After 3 mins, i can now walk. I stand up and walk towards the table and sit to the chair.

I eat the meal Mamiya served me. Then i leave my room.

I decided to have a walk until someone bumped me hard to my back.

I turned and saw a girl. She haves long brown hair and braided into 2 buns. Brown eyes and wears a modified uniform and black skirt.

Me: hey watch it.

???: ouch! Who are you?

Me: Y/N L/N. A new ship of your naval base requested by the admiral himself.

Kongou: ooh i see. I am Kongo desu! Nice to meet you!

Erm... Something doesn't seem right...

Me: he..hehehe

[Time skip! 30 mins later]

This girl stick with me for a while now. Just having a walk with me.

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