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chapter one; only eleven1971

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chapter one; only eleven

"EDDIE, WHAT'S THE BEST HOUSE AT HOGWARTS?" TEMPEST ASKED HER OLDER BROTHER, HER CURIOUS EYES WIDE AS SHE STARED UP AT HIM. The nineteen year old boy chuckled as he ushered her along the platform, trying to weave the pair safely through the crowds as she grew distracted.

"Well, it all depends really," he responded, his gaze travelling across the crowded area, trying to spot their parents and older sister, who were meeting them there. It was up to Edward to make sure Tempest made it on time, so naturally, they left their Brighton home at eight in the morning, hours before they were due at Kings Cross. Of course, Edward insisted that if they ran into traffic, the hour long trip could be extended, therefore making them late. With the rest of their family staying up in the capital for work, he had a lot more stress put on his shoulders.

"On what?" Tempest inquired, nearly tripping over her own feet if her brother didn't instinctively steady her.

"On what you think matters most," Edward smiled softly down at the eleven year old as she regained her balance. "I was in Hufflepuff and Tanusha was in Slytherin. Hufflepuffs value kindness and honesty while Slytherins prefer determination and ambition. And then there's also the brave Gryffindors and the intelligent Ravenclaws. To me, Hufflepuff is the best, but that's not the case for everybody."

"Why not?" Tempest pressed on, though Edward showed no visible sign of annoyance. She had not shut up about Hogwarts for the past few weeks since she got her acceptance letter, eager to go to the school her siblings had gushed about for as long as she could remember. She had waited long enough to go, and now that she was finally stepping into the wondrous Platform Nine and Three Quarters, she felt like she had finally earned her place among her high-thought of siblings.

"Because your house becomes your family," Edward shrugged simply, before smiling at a few returning students who recognised him. Seeing as he was both head boy and a prefect in his time at Hogwarts, he was a familiar face to the younger witches and wizards. "I wouldn't say Gryffindor was my favourite house, because I wasn't in it. I have a few friends that were Gryffindors, but I'm still loyal to the yellow and black."

"What happens if I'm a Gryffindor?" Tempest slowed the trolley down, her smile dropping from her face slowly. "Does that mean you won't love me anymore?"

"Of course I'll still love you if you're a Gryffindor," Edward assured her, amusement evident in his expression. "You'll always be my sister, Pest."

"Don't call me that!" Tempest's thick eyebrows knitted together, causing her brother to laugh. She huffed and looked back at the incredible crimson train, quickly taking her mind off the cruel nickname. "What if no one wants to sit with me on the way there?"

"Don't worry," Edward placed his hand on her shoulder comfortingly, as he was incredibly tall and he couldn't reach her back without leaning over. "Most of the other first years won't know anyone either. On my first train ride, I found a few kids my age and just started talking to them! And you know, they ended up being my best friends!"

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