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How Good Luck was formed

Chapter 2

Another day. School. Y/N and E'dawn enter the classroom,hands intertwined. In every school there is that ""popular girl"". In this school  that girl is Alex. Even though Alex is popular with every guy wanting her she has a secret crush on E'dawn. When she finally decided to confess to him,she saw Y/N and E'dawn being lovey dovey with each other,making a note that she will revenge Y/N for this.

*back to the classroom*

Alex rolls her eyes "Oh look kids - " she looks at E'dawn unable to finish her sentence. Y/N smirks and on purpose she leans in and kisses E'dawn on the lips. E'dawn deepens the kiss but it doesn't last long because the teacher enters the classroom. Both of them turn towards Alex just to see her angry face and enjoy it. They take their seats.

All of a sudden the teacher makes an unexpected announcement ''Kids,I have an important announcement"

"What would be that important?" Alex laughs and the whole class joins her

"What's so funny?" Y/N thought

"This school needs a performance group so you have three days to practice and prepare yourselves"

"Ahh,what even!"

Y/N immediately turns towards E'dawn and his friends Kino,Yeo One and Yanan.

"Let's do it"

All of them nod their heads "Let's "

Three days full of preparation. To choosing a song,dancing,Kino and E'dawn practicing their rap. Meanwhile Y/N,Yanan and Yeo One practicing their vocals together. Three days with no stopping.

E'dawn POV

Today is the day. I feel so nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because I don't want to mess something up and because in a few minutes  I'll be on stage with my beautiful girlfriend and best friends.



"We got this,okay? Don't worry too much" Y/N assures me with her gorgeous smile plastered across her face

"Good Luck,it's your turn to go on the stage"

I quickly kiss Y/N on the lips and we walk to the stage. Our song that we prepared starts playing and we do what we prepared.  Dance,sing and rap.

*2 hours later*

The last performance just ended and it's time to announce the winner. Me,Y/N,Yeo One,Kino and Yanan take a hold of our hands,taking a deep breath. Until this moment,we never understood why we want to win this so much.

"And the winner is...Good Luck"

Our performance won! We won! We give each other a huge hug and proud smiles.

Y/N is in tears. "Thank you so much"

I move even closer towards her giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles at my action.

"I'm proud of you. I'm proud of us. I love you guys. Good Luck forever"

We give each other another group hug.


After everything is cleaned up we meet each other on the rooftop having deep talks about Good Luck with beer in our hands.

"From this moment,when we won,I think all of us realised how important this is to us" I say,taking a sip from my beer

"I fully agree with you,baby" Y/N says and moves closer towards me

"Ahh,seriously. Get a room you two" Yeo One whines while Y/N and I laugh at his comment.

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