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Hello guys! Sorry to those who may have had their reading experience interrupted, but I have removed all but five chapters of this.

It is now titled Cinder's Ball, and is currently being hosted on (clickable link on profile)


You also get 200 free coins when signing up as a new site member, which you use to unlock chapters. MAKE SURE you use this code when for extra coins!! CJYO443S

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And if you encourage any of your friends to join up, you can give them a code from your account, which will give you both 200 extra coins! So tell all your friends about tapas!! :)

Thank you all for your support, sorry for any inconvenience! >_<

Anyways, I still love all my readers, I do my best to talk to each commenter when I have time, and I try to help new authors. I do a lot for this community, and still have plenty of free books on wattpad! ^-^

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