The Teddy That Save/KILLED me

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(this is a TRUE story from snarled on youtube)

"I was about five when I was to undergo surgery. I was all ways nerves about it but... I was still just five. I always Hurd the nurses talking about a little girl. it didn't help that my nurse had always bean crying when she was in my room. the night that I was to undergo the surgery I asked my nurse why she was always crying when she entered my room. "you'll know when you meet her" she responded. the next day I woke up and the surgery was a success I now had a new hart. a few weeks later I was leaving the hospital. then just as I'm getting ready to leave my nurse gave me a small teddy. she looked worried as we left. two years later I liked to draw. it was nothing extravagant just things like Winnie the poo or dora the explorer. then I was in my room drawing at my desk "I like it when you make art" there was no one else in the room but I was curtain the voice came from the little teddy on my desk. for a few months it was fun! we wold laugh and some times we would draw to gather. "you need to make real arT" the bare said. so she led me to the back yard where I saw a dead Mouse skeleton. she made me glue its bones to a peace of paper said I was "bringing meaning to its death ". I hung it on my wall and any time my parents took it down they'd get very sick. and I'd put it back up. did teddy have any thing to do with that? my parents be gan to worry that I spent all day in my room talking to my self.(only I could hear Teddy.) I remember when my family dog died. I was crying, teddy was the opposite "now we can spend more time to gather!" shed say. weeks later all my other family members dogs died. did teddy have any thing to do with that? one day teddy and I where talking "do you remember the nurse who gave you this bare" she said "yes?" I said "that was my mom I was very sick" she said "hey do you know where your new hart came from?" she asked "" I said "I gave you my hart YOU are MY art." she said "t...thank you so much an--" I said "BUT on your twenty first birthday I have to go" she said. "GO! go where?" I asked "I just have to go.............. AND IM TAKING MY HART WITH ME!" she said she never answered any of my questions just got quiet. I am now twenty and still own the teddy. I wonder what will happen to me? I guess ill find out in a year."

dear reader,

I hope you enjoyed this TRUE story!

please tell me some of yours and maybe they'll end up in the sires!


the author

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