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Hannah walked to the basement the kids next doors house. It was pitch black so she couldn't see anything. She tried to flick the light switch on but it wouldn't work. Hannah wondered farther into the basement. She heard whistling. It was a pattern..."Do...Do...Do Do Do..." Hannah didn't think anything of it though. She steeped on something. It was a hand! She screamed. Then someone said "NOW!" Then a burlap bag was put over her head. Hannah tried to scream but it was muffled. She was pushed into a chair and felt her hands and legs being tied down. "Start the initiation process." Said a female voice. Hannah recognized that voice. It was one of the girls next doors voice. Rain's voice..."Guys this isn't funny..."Hannah said. "START THE INITIATION PROCESS!!" Rain screamed. Hannah heard something. Someone picked up something metal. She felt someone slitting her wrist. Hannah felt warm blood trickling down her wrists and onto the floor. Hannah winced in pain as whoever was cutting her cut more and more. Then the burlap bag was taken off her head. The lights were on. She looked at her wrist. There was a pentagram carved into it. Then Hannah saw a pentagram around her and the chair. All of the kids next door were chanting some different language around the pentagram. Then Hannah felt weak. Very weak. Hannah's eyes slowly shut.

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