[35] Fear

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JinYoung's POV-
"What do you guys want to do today?," Areum asked us, which surprised us.  "You don't have a plan?," Daehwi questioned.  "Since you guys tend to be busier than I am, I thought I'd let you guys decide what to do," she explained, "As long as it's legal of course." 

Woojin gasped, "Is Kang Areum. . . THE Kang Areum. . . Being nice?"  "Yes, now hurry up and decide on something before I drag you guys to a Victoria Secret," she rolled her eyes.  "Ah~  There's the Areum we know and love," Jihoon grinned slinging an arm around the girl's shoulder.  "And there's the WinkBoi I know and am disgusted by!," Areum smiled back in sarcastic joy.  "Guys, guys," Guanlin tried to calm us down, "Let's try to be civil and plan our day out calmly."  "Now Guanlin is acting like Jisung," Daehwi had a 'mini-panick,' "What has the world come to?!?!" And cue Guanlin trying to smack Daehwi.

I stood on the sidelines watching the scene unfold, and I let myself grin and eventually laugh.

"You okay there, JinYoung?," Areum asked, noticing my break down first. The others followed suit noticing me and stopped wrestling and/or arguing. "Why're you laughing, Hyung?," Guanlin questioned, "I don't really think anything's funny right now." "Yeah. . . You're not gonna start laughing really easily like Daniel Hyung. . .right?," Daehwi asked a little worried. . .and. . .scared? "No, Dae, I'm not," I chuckled at his adorableness, "I'm just. . . Happy."

The boys looked confused, but Areum seemed to understand. "Why are you-" "If you say so," Areum grinned back, interrupting Woojin, "So where do you guys want to go?" "The ma-" "It can be any place BUT the mall," the girl grinned, cutting off Jihoon. "But you said anywhere," the pink lover stated unamused. "And I changed my mind," Areum smiled back 'sweetly.'

"How about we go to the arcade," I suggested before the two started wrestling again. "Works for me," Daewhi chirped. Jihoon sighed in defeat, "I'm okay with it." "Same here," Guanlin spoke up. "I'm fine with the arcade," Areum shrugged. "That's 5 out of 6," I summarized, "What about you, Hyung?" The other half of the Pink Sausage duo grinned mischievously, "I need a little revenge for what happened last time at the arcade," he turned towards Areum and she put her hands up in the air, "It's not my fault you suck at a shooting game." "That's it I'm gonna-"

- - - Le Time Skip Brought to You By the Pink Sausage Duo - - -

Jihoon's POV-
"Wow you really do suck at the game, Hyung," Guanlin commented bluntly while we watched a very one-sided Woojin vs. Areum match.  "Shut up. . .," he muttered trying to concentrate. 

Sooner rather than later, the game ended with Areum being victorious.  "You need to work on your aim, Woojin," she sighed in content as she hooked up the gun to the game machine, "If you keep it up at this rate, you might be beaten by the Little Woojin." "Little Woojin doesn't go on the field. . .," Woojin grumbled, putting down the toy gun.

"Man. . . You do suck, Hyung," Guanlin laughed. "And you swallow- Can we just play a different game?," the irritated '99 liner retorted. "What happened to 'revenge,' Woojin?," JinYoung smirked slightly. "First," his Hyung began, "You forgot the 'Hyung,' second: I'll get my revenge with a different game." "And what game would that be?," Areum crossed her arms, "Just Dance? Dance Dance Revolution?" Woojin stayed silent and Areum sighed, "Me and my big mouth. . .

- - -

Totally unexpectedly, Areum won both dance games crushing the spirit of Wanna One's main dancer and close combatant. "You'll get me some day, Woojin-shi," The girl chuckled, patting the saddened teen on the shoulder. "Still with the 'shi,' Areum?," I questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, Jihoon-shi," Areum fired back 'politely.'

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