#7 (parent problems)

31 3 18

Yeah just a few parent and life complaintsXD

1) when your parents are asking you if you did something they know you'd never do

2) why do my parents have to lick her finger to straighten my eyebrows? In a big public area? Like Aca-excuse me my eyebrows are perfect???

3) why do they talk negatively about some of my friends? Just because she was a bit rude to another friend doesn't mean you know their whole friend relationship story with each other?!?!??!

4) yelling at you for something you didn't do
•why'd you clog the toilet??? "My poopsies aren't that big" (theyre biggest mwahahhaha jk) that was awkward
•before: check your shoes before you come into the house
After:  why'd you track mud in???
Me: my shoes are so spotless they could be in a fashion show think before you speak man!!!!!!

This isn't constant I jut wanted to let it loose XD any of you have parent complaints?? Also I will feature art complaints if you have any :)

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