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Being a Weasley wasn't easy.

From the red hair to the freckles you were practically known everywhere; and not in a good way.

Yeah sure it had its preps like having 7 brothers and sisters or having a amazing mother who always had your back.

Being a Weasley was fine....

Till I went to Hogwarts.


The day that I went to Hogwarts I got sorted into Gryffindor like the rest of my family. I was Ron's twin sister but I mostly stayed with my two twin brothers; Fred and George.

We were practically the dream team in my first year. Playing pranks, getting dentition, blowing up toilets. You know the usual.

I never really noticed that people stared. That they scooted a little farther away from me then the rest of the kids.

I never noticed that I got treated differently.

That was till my second year.

In my second year all I had was my family. I noticed that the Slytherin would call me Weasley than by Sydney. I noticed all the rude remarks Malfoy made to me. I noticed that just because of my hair and freckles, I would get treated differently.

"Aww come in Sydney they don't mean it." Ron always said when I broke down crying in the common room.

But they did mean it.

I dont understand how something so simple like my freckles or my red hair could effect how I was treated.

So I stayed isolated from the world.

I kept quite from Fred, George, Ron, even my parents.

I was so confused on how someone could treat me like this. How was I any different from them? Sure I didn't have that much money. Sure I looked a little different than the crowd but why should that cause me to be treated like this?

I was silent my second year but I would be heard in the third one.

In my third one I did something I'm not so proud of.

But I'm getting ahead of my self aren't I?

So this is the story of how I changed me. For them.


Omg guys

This came to me in a dream and I was like omg why hasn't any one done this??

So yeah.

Please enjoy

~ Addie

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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