I love my best friend

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You were at the park with your best friend you've known since 4th grade. You had a crush on him but never told him thinking it would ruin your friendship. You guys were on the swings until Justin fell off.

"Oh my god are you okay?" You ask getting off the swing trying hard not to laugh

"Yeah I'm fine. And you suck at holding in your laugh" he says to you laughing

"Wow thanks" you say crossing your arms

"well aren't you going to help me up?" he asks

"Ehh no" you say and start running away. While you are running you hear him running after you. You hide behind a tree looking to see if he is still there but he isn't.

Than you feel someone grab your waist and you scream and you could hear him laughing. He spins you around and you're giggling the whole time.

Than he puts you over his shoulder and starts walking away. 

"PUT ME DOWN" you yell hitting his back but not hurting him at all. He doesn't listen to you. But than you feel him put you down on a bench. When he puts you down you push him slightly

"Hey!" he says rubbing on his shoulder where you just pushed him

"That's for not putting me down" you say squinting your eyes

"Be happy I didn't let you walk" he says

"Okay okay I'm thankful for that cuz I'm a lazy person" you say laughing and he laughs with you

"Well what do you want to-" you say but get cut offed by someone screaming Justin. You look to the side and see his girlfriend Chantel walking towards you guys

"Hey babe. We have to go to the studio now" she says rubbing on his arm

"we do?" he questions

"Yeah! remember, Scooter.told us to go there." she says smirking. Ugh I hate her.

"Uh I-" he says but gets inturupted

"Come on. I'll wait in the car" she says walking off.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't know I had to-" he says but I cut him off

"Just go Justin. You could've told me. Instead of making her come here to get you." you say looking down

"No no no Y/N I-" you cut him off again

"Just go. Leave Justin" you say and point to where she walked off. He sighs and walks away.


I walk towards Chantel's car. Did me & Y/N just get in a fight? Ugh I hate fighting with her.

I walk into the front seat of the car

"Scooter never told me to go to the studio today. It's my day off" I say to her, who was on her phone

"I know. I just needed an excuse for you to leave her" she says not looking at me once

"Wow. Wow. Wow. What do you mean?" I say getting a little angry

"I don't like you hanging around her" she says grabbing onto my hand thinking it's okay to say what she just said. I pull my hand away

"You don't want me to hangout with my best friend?!" I scolded

"Babe you got more friends. Just forget about Y/N" she says to me

"Youre kidding right?" I ask laughing

"No. I'm not. I know she likes you" she says with attitude

"Y/N doesn't like me. And so what if she liked me" I say back

"Really Justin. I could tell by the way she looks at you. And I know she's just gonna take you away from me. So I say stay away from her" she says going back onto her phone

"Well im not" I say back to her. She turns off her phone and looks at me

"Youre what?" she says mad

"Im gonna hang out with her as long as I want. And you have no say in it" I say

"Okay fine. It's either her or me. You choose" she says crossing her arms

"I choose her. Bye Chantel. We are over" I say and walk out of the car

"UGH FINE. I DONT CARE. GO TO YOUR UGLY FRIEND" she screams. I don't need her bullshit right now. All I'm thinking about is Y/N.

I walk back to the bench but she was gone. I sighed but than heard sniffles. I looked at the swings to see her sitting on them with her head down.

I walk slowly behind her and not make a noise. I look at what she was doing and I see her looking at pics of us on her phone. I smile knowing that she does like me cuz she backs out of the pics and the folder she was in was called "Him"

"I see you looking at pics of us" I say out loud. She jumps and hides her phone and looks at me

"W-what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Chantel?" she asks sadly

"Nah. I would rather be here with you" I say and sit on the swing next to her

"Really? Why?"

"I would rather be with someone more important to me than my ex" I say looking at her

"Ex? I thought-" I cut her off

"I just broke up with her" I say smiling

"Oh" she says looking down. Not realizing what I just said. I go up to her ear and whisper

"You want to know a secret"

"Uh sure" she says

"I think I love my best friend" I whisper

"You love Chaz?" she questions giggling

"No!" I yell nodding my head

"But he's is your best friend" she says

"I mean my girl best friend" I say smiling

"But your girl best friend is me and-wait you love me?" she asks blushing

"Well you are beautiful and the sweetest girl I know. And yes I do love you. Do you love me back?" I ask knowing her answer

"yes" she whispers

"What? I didn't hear you" i tease

"Yes" she says a little but louder

"Still didn't hear youuuuu" I tease again

"I love you Justin" she yells and I smirk

"Oh my god" she blushes so hard. It's so cute.

"well since you love me can i ask you a question?" I ask and she nods her head

"Y/N will you be my baby and go out with me?" she looks at me and smiles widely.

"Yes. Yes I will" she says. I stand up from the swing and pull her up and she looks into my eyes.

I look at her eyes and to her lips and back to her eyes. Then I see her leaning in and I do to. Our lips touch and sparks are flying everywhere. I fell deeply in love with my best friend.


I  have 1 more week of school left! So I will be on more I promise!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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