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WARNING! This story contains foul language,drug abuse, and sexual content. I don't own photos,videos,or slipknot characters or any songs in this story. Enjoy 🤗

After a long night of playing a gig at a bar downtown, I was feeling exhausted. Making my way back to the van I hear someone yelling at me "Jesse wait for me!" I turn around to find Cage running at me with so much excitement I took a step back. Now Cage was a great friend of mine from back home. He always encourage me to start singing. Hell he introduced me to my band mates when I was fifteen. He was always at our practices so when we were ready for the road I told him to come with us. Not only was he packed that night but he offered us his van. Fucking life saver. "Jesus Christ Cage! We've been on the road for how long and you still act like we just left," I said laughing. "Listen! You guys fucking rocked up there! Damn lets fucking celebrate!"

Now Cage might seem like your neighborhood nerd that jacks off in his mothers basement, but this kid can drink a thirty,throw up on himself ,and still ask for another beer. Why do you think we're friends? "Fuck yeah round up the boys and meet me at Deadwoods Pub in 5, I got something I gotta take care of." Heading back to the van I pulled out my phone. 23 new messages 10 missed calls. Fuck. Closing my phone I take a deep breath. There's only one person that has been trying to talk to me since I left. David, my ex lover. Yeah sure he had a right to be angry, upset or whatever the fuck he was. I up and just left town without saying a word. To be honest, I didn't love the guy. Someone didn't get the hint.

Continuing what I was doing, I pull out my little wooden box from the middle console. Everything I needed was in there. The razor blades, the fluffy white clouds of pure fucking adrenaline. That's right kids, I've been a cocaine addict for awhile now, but that's a story for another time.

                    Hey there readers! Listen this is my first story and I hope you enjoy it. Honestly I don't expect anyone to but just throwing it out there. I have many plans for this story so if anyone's there please bare with me. Thanks 😊🤘🏻

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