Chapter 3: Plans and Friendship 2

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Ok. So I've got 60 reads (it was 60 when I wrote this text, currently its around 90 actually now it's 105! I'm so slow at updating... :D). I guess that's a good start considering It's one of my first entries in Wattpad, right? Anyhow, I'm happy (secretly ecstatic). I mean, when I started writing this, I doubted it would even get one read, so I'm quite happy. Sooo.... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!

So this is the second part of Chapter 3: Plans and Friendship. It was longer than I expected so I cut them down to two. XD

Anyway, go ahead and read. This would be the end of the 'prologue' part here. So to all those who've been wondering where the fantasy part is, it'll be there in the next chapters.




Chapter 3


"How-- how spe--" he stammered, then, seemingly convinced at something, changed it. "Well. I guess you are pretty special. I don't doubt that."

He stopped walking and smiled at her. And it melted her heart.

It made her almost forget about everything that happened before and everything that was supposed to be said.

All because of one smile.

Their pace was obviously slower than was needed as they walked back to the canteen.

It was then that Alex remembered something.



She was careful to look at him when she said this, "How did you know my locker combination?"

Chase stopped walking, his face turning pale. His mouth opening and closing so many times he made Alex think of him as a fish. This gesture made her laugh.

This didn't make Alex angry as she thought it would. In fact, she didn't have any anger at all. Maybe a little wariness, but not anger.

"I... I saw..." Chase stammered.

Alex laughed again. "It's fine. I'm not angry."

She saw him breathe in relief.

"But really, Chase. I never thought you would be that kind of guy. Peeping tom." Alex whispered the last words.

She saw Chase hold his breath and widen his eyes.

"... But--- I'll let you slide this time." She said.

She saw him breathe again.

"That's what friends are for, right, Chasey?" She nudged him with her left elbow.

She saw him grin widely.

"That's right!" He said cheerfully, and then he lifted his arm up and draped it on Alex's shoulders.

"Uwaaahh!!?" Alex shouted in surprise. Chase only leaned back from her and raised his eyebrows, still not removing his arm from her shoulders.

Alex then regained her composure (and fixed her bleet red face). She slowly wrinkled her nose and faced Chase.

"We're friends, but not this close. I'm not a boy." She said while taking the arm off her shoulder gently.

When Chase pouted, Alex could only pat his arm before walking ahead, expertly hiding her face.

She could hear him walking behind her, but she didn't wait for him. They walked, this time faster than before.

She wasn't angry. She was just embarrassed and shocked at Chase's bold actions.

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