Chapter 7

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I just got back home from sleeping at Cari's house.

Flashback *We were watching the movie Mean Girls. During the movie Mean Girls she wanted to ask me a question. It looked like she was really nervous. She was about to tell me but then her mom opened the door. I realized that my face was super close to Cari's. I moved back while her mom was talking to Cari. She asked who I was and Cari introduced me to her mom. Then her mom left, I asked Cari what she was going to say but she said it was nothing. I know it's not nothing, it's something, something important and I'm going to get it out of her. We finished the movie and then went to sleep.*

"How was Cari's house? Did you have fun?" my mom asked.

"Yes I had fun."

I then went up the stairs and texted Ally.

Shan: I just had the best time with Cari! She's so adorable and amazing.

Ally: What did you guys do?

Shan: We went to the beach as you know. She explained everything that happened with her and Richard. Then we kinda started to kiss... but nothing happened besides kissing. After we stopped kissing, she asked if I wanted to sleepover. I said ok and we went to her house and watch Mean Girls. She was about to ask me a question but then her mom came in. After her mom left I asked her what she was going to say, but she wouldn't tell me.

Ally: It sounds like you really like her. Do you think it could turn into something more?

Shan: I hope it does. I really want to ask her to be my girlfriend.

Ally: Then do it!

Shan: What if she doesn't want to. What if she doesn't want to date me? Do you think she would say yes?

Ally: JUST DO IT!!!!

Shan: ok, I will!



I'm on my way to school. I can't believe i'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I really like her, but what if she just wants to hook up.

I'm walking to my locker and I saw her standing at my locker. She looks really pretty. She's wearing a burgundy zip up with a army green tee shirt underneath. She's wearing black ripped jean, which make her butt look really good. I walk up to her. 

"Are you stalking me or something?" I asked then winked at her. 

"I was just waiting to see your beautiful blue eyes." She says in a flirty way. 

I scoot in closer so that we're staring in each others eyes. Wow she's beautiful. She was leaning in but I pulled away.

"What's wrong" She asked concernedly.  

"I need to ask you something" I say.

"Ok, what's up?"

"I'll tell you later this isn't a good time."


After school

I am at my locker and I see Cari at her locker. She walks over to me.

"Is this a good time for you to ask me what you want to ask?" 

"No, today is basketball tryouts and I want to tryout for point guard." I say

"Oh ok, text me how it goes! Good luck" She says and then kisses my cheek. 

She left some lipstick on my cheek. She leans in and rubs in seductively and then leaves. What is this girl doing to me?


I'm at basketball and I saw Ally, I didn't know she was trying out for basketball.

"Hey Ally, I didn't know you're trying out for basketball."

"Oh hey Shannon, I didn't know you also liked to play basketball."

We kept talking until the tryout started.

"Girls everybody on the base line. I want you to say your name, grade and what position you want to play."

Everybody went, Ally wants to be shooting guard. It was now my turn to go since I was at the end of the line.

"Hi i'm Shannon, i'm in 10th grade and I want to be a point guard." I said confidently.

"Aren't you a little tall to be a point guard. I thought you would be a good Center." coach stated.

"You haven't seen me play yet thought." I said extremely confidently.

"alrighty then, I'm Coach Goldstein but y'all can call me Coach Gold."

We were scrimmaging. I was a team captain because Coach Gold liked that I was confident with her instead of being nervous like the others. The other team captain was Amy. She was very short and also a point guard. Hopefully I'm better so I will play more than her. 

Of course I chose Ally as my first pick and then 3 other random girls. 

My team beat Amy's team 69-48. I had a triple double. I had 17 points, 12 assists and 11 rebounds. I was the tallest one on the team. Ally scored 22 points, I got 7 of my assists from Ally. I would pass her the ball and she would swish it from wherever she was. 

Coach told me that I made starting point guard! I'm not surprised I was the best high school girls basketball player in Dallas. I started on the varsity team and we won states!

I was so thrilled that I didn't even go home. I went straight to Cari's house. It was 10:30 by the time I got there. I rang the doorbell and Cari's mom opened the door and told me to come in and Cari's in her room. I thanked her and ran up the stairs and opened Cari's door. The lights were off and it looked like she was sleeping. I tapped her gently and when she woke up I kissed her. 

We kept kissing. Our lips were moving together. I pulled away and looked her in the eyes and I asked

"Cari Fletcher will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?"

She didn't respond right away and I couldn't read her face she looked like she was in deep thought but then she started to smile and screamed


I'm so excited. I quickly connected our lips together. She pulled away and asked how tryouts were. I told her that I made the starting line up. We connected our lips one more time. 

She asked me if I wanted to sleepover because it was late. So I did. I went to bed the happiest I've ever been.

"Best day ever" I whispered to my self and then went to sleep with my girlfriend. 

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