Chapter 6

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Taehyung nodded with a worried face and came closer to my neck. He kissed my neck gently until I felt pain in neck, his fangs had pierced it. I bit my bottom lip to keep me from screaming, tears were also streaming down my face. Taehyung didn't stop biting me and the pain was getting worse. I pushed him off before he loses control and quickly covered my neck with the palm of my hand. Taehyung was frightened from what he had almost done. "I'm sorry, I almost lost my control on you, but thank God, you stopped me." he tried to calm down his breathing and vampire form, before he could join me in bed. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead gently. "How long does it take to turn me into one?" I asked him very satisfied. "First thing in the morning. Once you wake up, you'll feel energised and not feel tired at all." Taehyung answered. I nodded and laid my head onto his chest, listening to his heart beat per second. Taehyung laid down, both of us were covered with blanket. "We should get some rest, you've been through so much today." he pecked my lips and slowly fell a sleep. I looked up to see him sleeping silently. 'You won't have to worry anymore, Taehyung. I'll be yours forever. Starting from tomorrow morning.' I snuggled deeper into his chest and fell into a deep sleep with my one and only.
My eyes shot open to see the bright sunlight from the curtains. I got up and stretched out my arms and looked at my left side to see Taehyung sleeping. I smiled at the sight and gently kissed his cheek. I walked into bathroom to wash my face. As I rinsed off the soap with water, I dried my face with a towel and then I looked at myself in the mirror. Fangs were oht and my eyes were bloody red. I also noticed that my skin color had turned white, just like Taehyung's pale skin. What u didn't know was that - Taehyung was right behind me this time. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder. "I never imagined you could turn more beautiful, but you've always been beautiful." I blushed and looked down. Taehyung turned me round to face him. "Now I can finally be with you, without any fear." he smiled showing his fangs and kissed me. "Forever together?" I asked playfully.  He looked into my eyes with love: "Forever together, my beautiful vampire."

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