An unexpected meeting

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I'm sorry.


This is a fucking Shrek fan fiction that was written in a math class, so if I see anyone comment on the ethics of this story I will question your existence.


Shrek was doing a perimeter check of his swamp when he saw someone. Someone was in his swamp. He could barely see the person thanks to all the shrubs, only the top of their head.

'Who the hell is in me swamp?' Shrek thought as he walked over to the person.

As he walked closer the short human said "Eren I said to check the other side of the new fou-" But before the man could finish Shrek used his large green masculine hands to turn him around, tossing him onto the ground in the process.

"What are you doing in me swamp!" Shrek roared at the man, towering over him. No one had trespassed in quite a long time, and Shrek wasn't having this trespassing right now.

The man kept the same face, but his eyes seemed to be filled with anger, and a tint of something else shrek couldn't describe. "Tsk who do you think you're talking to, maggot!"

"Hell if I know, but you're in ma swamp." Shrek says taken a bit back by the compliment, who knew someone saw him as a delicious snacc. Shrek took a step forward, which made Levi's cold dead heart begin to race. He scrambled to get up but the slipperiness of the wonderful swamp floor made that very difficult. Luckily his amazing flexibility has helped him stand up and keep balance. Now he was standing face to chest with the godly green beast, having to look up all the way just to see the ogers eyes. Levi never realized how truly dominating his stare was until now, and he felt it urk something deep inside of him. Something that has never been seen nor unleashed. Set off by this new feeling, he tried to hide it by scowling at the large beast in front of him.

"Oh don't yah try and growl at me you fucking angry gnome, you're the one trespassing into me swamp" The majestic ogre known as Shrek warned in a low dominating tone. He took a step closer and pushed the midget man onto the ground by the arm. The strong force of the rough push and the impact from the fall caused Levi's metaphorical wall to crack, making him let out an erotic moan. Shrek who was now towering over the man that just let out the most erotic moan he has ever heard, was very aroused. Shrek wasn't sure why, all his life he thought of himself as straight. Hell Shrek has his kids and a wife, but for some reason the need to dominate this midget was too powerful to control. Without a thought running through the beasts head he stepped on Levi's chest, digging his heel into him. Levi's eyes widened as he gasped for air. The pressure from the green god weight made it hard to breathe, making him feel like he was being crushed.

He loved it.

Still in denial, he began to try and squirm from the Ogres weight. Levis shirt began to go untucked and slid up his chest, showing off the toned muscles that the shirt was teasingly hiding. Shrek eyed what he could see of the midgets body as his lust for the man grew stronger, what this man lacked in height he had made up in muscle. That's for sure. Shrek's thoughts were now clouded with pure lust for the man beneath him.  All he knew was that he wanted more.

Shrek lifted up his leg from Levi's chest, and Levi took that as a chance and tried to escape. Still in shock and slightly out of breath he was too slow, and the ogre easily tripped him making him fall onto his stomach. Shrek dropped down on top of him, blocking any path Levi could of taken.

Leaning right next to Levi's ear he lowly whispered "Are we gonna have tah keep playing this game or are you finally gonna give in?" Levi felt a shudder go down his back as he felt himself get harder. The position he was in made him feel weak, helpless and definitely aroused.

Who's top?(Shrek x Levi)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon