Cats, my Love

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Cat's, my love, will never leave me

They will love me, wierd or weary

They love me through the thick and thin

Their love for me will never end


Cat's, you see, love me, for me

They even love the underneath

They love the brushing, the pets, and rubs

While you only loved the tasty grub


You said you loved me, not my cats

Sorry, my cats come before rats

The rats who lie, cheat, and break

Hearts who don't find you mean or fake


My cats, you see are true and loyal

Their love for me will never spoil

Like our love did, ever so fast

Well now it's me who has the laugh


So I decided, I would through something out there. I was bored, and since I am a cat person, I made my poem about cats. Well, have a great day Y'all!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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