Talent Show?

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Butters stared at the big bulletin board pinned to the hallway wall. In big letters, it read "Talent Show," and in smaller letters, it read "Show off your talent to the entire school! The winner will be principal for the day! Please sign up at least three days before the show."

Usually, he'd never even try to enter, since his fellow peer Jimmy Valmer outshined everyone every year. However, a spark of inspiration went off in his brain. He wrote his name in the third box on the sign-up sheet, written in fancy cursive, fancier and easier to read than the cursive of those twice his age. After he put the pen back in its spot, he heard snickering from behind him. It was none other than Eric Cartman. "So, you really think you have a chance this year? What are you gonna do, dance like the gay idiot that you are?" Cartman laughed loudly. "I'd like to see you try." He shoved the blonde aside, almost knocking him over, and walked to class. Butters never really liked Cartman. Well, he used to; he even had a crush on him at one point. But after he realized how much of an asshole Eric was, he did his best to avoid him at all costs. He rearranged his books in his arms and headed towards his first class of the day.

The entire day went by in a blur. It usually dragged on for ages. Soon enough, the kids were called to get on the buses and be driven home. Butters took a seat by himself near the back. He then began thinking of what to do for the talent show. Dancing to something was a definite no, based on his run-in with Cartman earlier that morning. He thought to himself for a while but came up with nothing. Then, he remembered that he had a guitar that he never used. There it was.

His talent show act.

Brokenhearted Boys Like Me - Butters StotchWhere stories live. Discover now