'Operation Astrid's Birthday Suprise'

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'Operation Astrid's Birthday Suprise'

Day 1425,

Berk, UK

Lieutenant Haddock,

"Dad I need a favour..?"

"What is it, son? It's not like you to ask for a favour, god I must owe you like fifty..."

"Can I redeem 'em all as one please?"

"Go on..."

"I need one-week leaves to go back to Berk... just this once look its been like three years since I last saw her and Astrid's birthday is in like a week and I was gonna get Uncle Gobber to organise a party for me and surprise her... please"

"hmmm... Yes, but if I need you back because of a crucial mission... you're arse is on a plane back here the day before ok!"

"Yes sir"

"How many times have I told ya Hiccup it's dad to you!"

"Ye si... dad"

After the Lieutenant made his way back to his quarters he pulled out his phone, it's a bit like a modified and encrypted Samsung S8 for the military- and dialled for Gobber- His Godfather/Uncle and Mayor of Berk-

"'Ello, who the bloody 'ell are ya an 'ow the 'ell did ye get this number?"

"Calm down Gobber, It's me Hiccup I need a favour?"

"Ahhhh laddie, 'av been wonderin when you'd next be givin good 'ol Uncle Gobber a call and what's this favour you want"

"well, Gobber... Is there any chance you could find a large venue for a 21st party? I'm coming home for a week to see Astrid for her birthday and kinda wanna organise her a surprise birthday party... and well we all know how good you are at parties compared to me?"

"Of course laddie, 'ell I owe you it anyways after what you did for me... you know when you spoke for me on video call, at the elections"

"Thanks, Gobber I'll see you tomorrow and how could I forget... you surprised me" He ended the call chuckling and started to pack a bag but then he would have to get some normal clothes to wear whilst walking around Berk so it wasn't obvious he was back as he didn't want it getting around that Hiccup Haddock the receiver of the Berkian Cross was finally home after three years since his previous visit to be awarded the Cross.

~ The next day ~

[AN: When Hiccup is in Berk it will switch to Hiccup's POV: as it's about him not about a mission that his team undertook]

Hiccup's POV:

I walked towards an oblivious Gobber who was facing towards the wrong terminal and tapped his shoulder lucky for me I'd gotten used to dodging surprise punches as Gobber rattled by being tapped and shocked swung for me and putting momentum into it not being able to stop when he noticed he was facing me, we both burst into bubbles of laughter and hugged since it had been a long time since we last talked face to face,

"Soo, how did you get past my eagle eyes boyo?"

"You were watching the wrong terminal Gobber"

"Oh, I feel like an idiot now"

"You looked like one as well," I said whilst chuckling at my Uncle/Godfather/Great Friend.

I was dropped off at the Berk shopping centre and making sure that Astrid wasn't immediately in there as apparently she 'hangs' here a lot first I headed towards Superdry and bought myself a few jumpers, shirts and then went to JD to get myself some nice trainers and a few pairs of trackies... I knew I was wearing my uniform and Jacket with my medals and ribbons on to the party I just had to look normal for the next few days, I was walking towards the exit when a short chubby black haired teen around my age barged into me at this point I still had my everyday army clothes on not my uniform so I just looked like a soldier on leave from the Berk military base, but then he looked up.

Military Hero (Before the Book) {UNEDITED}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz