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Your heart stops. You think you are about to die. Alice keeps walking she stops and grabs your wrist and dragged you inside. You tried to calm down. Once you made it to the stage you snapped back to reality... You couldn't believe you were about to watch 7 boys that inspired you so much.
Alice: Are you okay?
You: Yeah, I'm fine it's so cool
Alice: See there is nothing to be nervous about.
30 minutes later everything started to happen. When you saw the boys come out on stage your heart sank. You watched every move, heard every word, they even made eye contact with you. You could her Alice screaming then you started to loosen up and started screaming and yelling.
They sing Blood,Sweat,and Tears and a bunch of other songs that you've heard from them. You were thinking about who left the tickets and your door if you knew you would do anything to find out. Then about hours later sadly the concert was over but you still got to meet them one by one at fansign tommorow. You and your friend Alice left the concert and bought a hotel room to stay in. Luckly if was a Friday night and you didn't have any classes to go to in the morning. You changed into your pajamas at the hotel room and layed in bed. You could not go to sleep because you were so exited for the fansign tommorow.

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