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I really like this video. The person who created this has a really good imagination.


"Wait. So the  Takashi Shirogane, asked you to be pregnant with his child."Allura whispered, while putting the kids to sleep for their nap time. "Yeah, crazy right. I don't know what to do. I want to ask my mom for advise,but I haven't talked to her since I left the house." They left the room once all the kids were asleep. 

"I think It's a good idea. You should take it. I mean you don't have a kid and have been wanting one." Allura was picking up the toys that the kids were playing with. "I don't know? Besides you know I don't like doctors." Pidge was in the kitchen doing lunch.( I helped take care of kids with my old babysitter.;) "So you want it the old fashion way."Allura came in the kitchen to help Pidge. 

"I haven't even agreed to it. But if you want to know. Yes, I do want the old fashion way." Pidge looked at Allura as she expertly cut the carrots. Allura got 2 cups and poured juice. "Well, I'll support you in whatever you choose." Allura handed her the cup. "Thanks Allura."

~A week later~pidge pov~

I'm outside the restaurant admiring the structure. This way to fancy. I don't know if I should even go in?

~ flashback 3 days ago~ pidge pov~

'okay I'll do it, but I have to add somethings to the agreement if he wants me to agree.' I got the phone and put the number in. 'here goes nothing' as I hear the ringing back ground. 'you know what never mi-'As I was about to end the call a male voice speaks."This is My name is hunk. How can I help you?" "Hi my name is Katie Holt. Can I speak to Shirogane Takashi?" "Ah Ms. Katie I head a lot of good things about you from Shiro. Hold on a second." I start to listen to the beep."Good afternoon Ms. Katie. I'm guessing you agree." 

"Actually, yes and no. I have some conditions if you want me to agree. I'm not going to be that type of surrogate. I mean that was your train of thinking."

 "I see you caught on. I knew I found the right person. Okay, lets talk about it. How about we talk about it this Friday."I heard some papers shuffling."Yes that would be fine." 

"Very well Hunk will tell you the location we will meet at.

~flash back end~Pidge pov

I go in and can't help but admire how high quality."So elegant." I couldn't help saying it as I get to the register(idk if its called that). "You have a reservation" "Um Shirogane Takashi" "follow me" I followed the waitress, whom led me to the table in which Shirogane was already seated. He got up and helped me to my seat. We just talked until the food got here.

3rd pov

"Okay, what conditions are you proposing?" Shiro said as he took a bite of his food. Pidge swallowed the food in her mouth."First of all, this is my first kid and I want him to know me. I know we aren't in an actual relationship, but I don't want the kid to go from one house to the other. When he/she is older, I want us to work together like actual parents. " 

"I can work with that. So you agree with the whole treatment." "About that...I don't like needles or anything of that matter, Mr. Shirogane." Pidge was blushing embarrassed. Shiro looked at pidge and smiled knowingly. "Just call me Shiro and I don't mind doing it old style. When do we start?" Pidge blushed even more if it was possible. 

~An hour later~

Shiro took her to his house and closed the door.

(okay, I'm not good with this type of writing so I'm not even going to try)

~One week later~pidge pov~

 I started to live with Shiro and have gotten pretty close.I was at inside Shiro's office signing the papers for us to have the kid. Lance the Lawyer happened to be Shiro's best friend. I read the paper carefully, and I can back down on the contract if something happens. I signed the paper. "So, that's it." "Yup. Here is your copy of the contract." Lance hands me the piece of paper. "Alright, then I have to go. See you at the house." I go around the desk and kiss his cheek. I turn to leave, when he pulls me close"See you home. Prepare yourself."I blush as he whispered into my ear. I give him a glance and went to the door. "It was good meeting you Lance." "I'll lead you out. I have to go, too." Lance took his suitcase, said bye to Shiro, and we left.

We got on the elevator when Lance asked me a question. "Why exactly did you agree to this?" I was a bit shocked at the question that I looked at the floor."If I am being honest,I did it because I have wanted a child for sometime, and no one seemed to have any interest in me."I looked up from the floor and smiled."It may seem weird, but I have wanted a family since mine broke apart." Lance looked straight at me in understanding."I see." I bet he had a lot of cases like mine. We get to the bottom floor and we say our goodbyes. "Hope to see you again Ms.Holt. Have a good day." We go our own separate way. I look at my phone to see the time. "Oh no! The kids are about to wake up." I run to my car.

~two weeks later~

I woke up with pain in lower area. It's not a surprise.since we did it until the daylights rays. I can't wait to get pregnant. It's been two whole week and have done it every night since. I wanted to get up to got to the restroom but I couldn't. There was a pair of arms holding me down. "Shiro mind letting me go." All he did was tighten his hold around me and mumbled "5 more minutes." I have to go like right NOW. "Shiro I'm gonna pee in the bed if you don't let me go." I think he got the point because he let go of me. I quickly got off the bed and ran to the restroom making it in time. What I notice is that my period hasn't come and it should have come last week. I got really happy.

When I got out Shiro was already getting dressed. "Good morning Kaite." "Morning." I quickly gave him a kiss in the cheek. He must have noticed how happy I was but didn't ask. I got dressed and went to the kitchen. Hunk was already serving the food."Need help?" I've always had a custom of helping everyone. "Nope, I'm all done here. You should eat. I have a special surprise for you." He went to the refrigerator and took out a plate with strawberry covered in peanut butter. 

I quickly hugged Hunk and took one strawberry

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I quickly hugged Hunk and took one strawberry. "Thank you so much." I took one in my mouth. The flavor exploded in my mouth. I finish the others in matter of minutes. I was about to eat the last one. When Shiro came got it from my hand and put in his mouth. I just stared at him in disbelief. "What?" Shiro finished chewing. "That was my last strawberry." My bottom lip popped out. Shiro started to feel guilty,and wondered on what to do. Hunk was started to laugh. "I'll go make some more." 

Hunk left to make me more of the awesome. " period didn't come." I saw his face completely  change from guiltiness to one of happiness.


Took me some time but finished it. I'm actually doing this story on school because I don't own my own computer.  I know, and srry if this story sucks.

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