Anti-Gravity. Wendy X Male Reader. PT2

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Wendy stared out the window of the Mystery Shack bored out of her mind. She was slowly drifting off to sleep. Her eyes fluttered open and closed as she tried to keep herself awake. Her mind drifted to thoughts of her boyfriend (Y/N) a smile graced her lips as she remembered how they first met.

Wendy had just turned 14 and was as badass as any 14 years old could be. She walked around town confidently and all her friends looked up to her and this further boasted her ego. She was already labeled as one of the toughest in town because her father, Manly Dan, had raised her so she wasn't really scared of anything. Except one day when she and her friends wondered into the woods by themselves. They wanted to see if the stories their parents told them about werewolves were true. So late at night when the full moon was at its peak Wendy's crew of Robbie, Tambry, Nate, Lee and herself grabbed some "Weapons" that consisted of an axe for Wendy, a yoyo for Nate, a frying pan for Robbie, a baseball bat for Lee and a phone for Tambry who preferred to just play games on it rather than use it as a weapon.
The crew delved into the woods confidently except for Robbie who only came to try and impress Wendy and while the others tried to find a werewolf Robbie tried to find a way to not shit himself.

Fallen twigs and leaves crunched under their feet as they went deeper into the woods. They soon came across a cave and smiled to each other when they saw the obvious "Beware" signs telling them not to enter. They went on anyway holding their weapons at the ready. Robbie clung to his fearfully. When it got to dark to see where they were going Robbie spoke up.
"H-hey uh guys, m-maybe we should head back now" he stammered. Nate squinted his eyes to try and peer through the darkness but soon gave up once he realized it was pointless.
"Yeah I mean it is getting kind of dark," he said but Wendy was too determined to just give but. She grabbed Tambry's phone much to her protests and switched on the flashlight option and the cave brightened up.
"I ain't leaving till I find a werewolf," said Wendy as she continued down into the cave. Nate and Lee high fived each other as they both breathed out the word "Awesome" before following after Wendy. Tambry sighed and followed the boys while Robbie followed closely behind.

However the crew soon came to a dead end made of solid stone and no place to turn but to go back the way that had come. Wendy stomped the ground out of anger so suddenly that it scared the other children. In her little tantrum Wendy had dropped the phone. Tambry bent down to pick her phone back up but something slimy dripped onto the back of her hand. She looked at it in disgust while the others tried to calm the furious Wendy; Tambry looked up and was met with glowing blood red eyes. Tambry slowly backed away to her friends. The eyes moved and the light from the phone showed the body they belonged to. Into the light stepped a 7-foot tall black furred humanoid wolf with talons the size of Tambry's forearm.

"G-guys" stammered Tambry her eyes never leaving the werewolf. Wendy's head whipped around to look at her best friend to see her crouched in front of a WEREWOLF!

Shocked no one moved not knowing what to do. The werewolf came up to Tambry and started to sniff her. Thinking on his toes Lee smashed his bat over the werewolf's head dazing it giving the others enough time to run out of the cave.
"RUN!" shouted Wendy and they all scattered in different directions out of the cave. Wendy heard the howling of the werewolf behind her, it was trying to call the rest of its pack! Wendy pushed her body to run faster away from the danger. She could hear the sounds of the werewolves behind her. She didn't think of where she was running to only that it wasn't towards the gnashing jowls of the beasts that pursued her. Because of this she ran to the edge of a cliff with a very long drop. She skidded to a halt and a few loose rocks tumbled over the edge. Wendy turned to face the hungry werewolves and saw three growling werewolves inching closer and closer towards her. She clutched her axe close to her chest and every time the werewolves took a step she would swing and they would back away but they were getting braver and braver. Suddenly the axe was knocked out of her hands and she backed up to the very edge of the cliff. She looked over her shoulder to see the huge drop. She looked back at the beasts and for the first time in her short life Wendy was scared.

As a werewolf leapt at her with the intent to bite her neck Wendy closed her eyes and screamed. But the pain never came instead when Wendy opened her eyes she saw a boy her age draped in white and gold colored robes. He wielded fire in his hands as tendrils of flames surrounded Wendy keeping her safe from the reach of the Werewolves. Wendy looked on in astonishment at the boy who wore glowing rings on his hands the fire seemed blazing hot to the werewolves but as Wendy reached out to touch the flames she found that they were lukewarm to her.
"BE GONE BEASTS!" yelled the boy and the werewolves rushed back towards the forest. The flames then instantly disappeared and the boy turned to Wendy. His soft yet lulling (E/C) eyes drawing Wendy in and his smile captivated her, it took her a few seconds to realize that the boy was talking to her.

"Hello? Miss are you okay?" he asked and Wendy shook her head bringing her back to reality.
"Um yes thank you, who are you?" she asked
"My name is Exodia but you can call me (Y/N)" he said
"What kind of name is Exodia?" asked Wendy before she covered her mouth afraid she had offended the handsome male that stood in front of her. But to her surprise the male just chuckled.
"It was the name I was given at my birth but now I go by the name of (Y/N) to keep up with modern times"
"Okay... so how about those fire powers where did you get them from?"
"I was born with them"
"So what are you some kind of super hero?" laughed Wendy
"You could say that" (Y/N) said with a smile. Wendy found that smile intoxicating; she wanted to know more about this strange boy.

"Where do you live?" Wendy asked
"I don't really have anywhere to live," said (Y/N) shocking Wendy, acting on impulse Wendy came forward and hugged the boy whose eyes widened in surprise. He hesitantly wrapped his strong arms around the girl that was hugging him and she sighed happily. He looked down at the girl curious. Back in his birth time of the birth of Egypt no girl would dare come within two meters of him unless she was being offered as a sacrifice or she was ordered to, as they were scared of you.

(Y/N) decided that he liked this... intimate contact and relished the feeling but unfortunately Wendy let go prompting him to do so as well. He looked at the copper haired girl with a curious gaze.
"Why did you do that?" He ask and she shrugs awkwardly
"I-I just thought you needed one, hey if you have nowhere else to stay why dot you stay with me?' she asked and he nodded with a thankful smile.

Wendy snapped back to reality when someone snapped his or her fingers in front of her face. She reopened her eyes to see a worried Dipper standing in front of her. She looked at him with a smile.
"Hey twerp what's hanging?" she asked him and he furrowed his brows
"Are you okay Wendy you kinda spaced out for a while" he said his voice cracking thanks to the curse that is puberty. Wendy laughed at his cracking voice that caused Dipper to cough in embarrassment.
"Nothing's wrong dude just... remembering some good times" answered Wendy when she finally stopped laughing.
"Like what?" he asked as he sat on the counter Wendy was leaning on only to get yelled at by Stan making him jump right back off and sending Wendy into another fit of laughter.

Elsewhere deep within the forest you stood ankle deep in a sacred pond. You twisted the two rings of power on your fingers and sighed impatiently. Soon however a golden hieroglyph appeared in the air and from it appeared a golden triangle with one eye wearing a top hat and bow tie.
"Hey big bro how's it hanging?" said Bill Cypher
"Hello William it's going well. Listen I know of your plan for this town and I must say that if it goes according to plan my father will be pleased with you" you say and he puts his hands where his mouth would be if he had one.
"And what of our dearest mother how is she?"
"Manipulating everyone as always. But enough of the family talk. If you hurt my Wendy in any way shape or form make no mistake I will obliterate you" you threaten and Bill shies away nervously.
"Yes brother I wont hurt a hair on her head, but I must say that you are getting far too attached with this mortal for your own good. What happened to the demon that would sleep around with goddess and angles?" he asked but you scowled at him.
"Those days have passed" you say firmly but Bill hovers over to you
"But brother think about it you are powerful enough to have more than one wife maybe even more than your father has. Help me and you will have anyone you want" Bill said but you blasted him away with a blast of energy sending him splashing into the pond.
"Never try to tempt me again brother my father does that enough. I do not wish to fight you but I will if I must" you say before leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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