A Spark

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*flashing red and blue lights come from a house down the road. An ambulance and fire trucks and firefighters were running in and out of the house. Smoke and ash filled the air as the police men marked off the area. Two police men and a firefighter spoke of five family members. Behind them in the driveway laid five body bags in a line...*
- Present Time. -
*A man sat on his knees covered in water with his head down and his hand covering his face. He had one hand holding him up off of the ground. He was breathing heavily and looked up. His eyes were bigger than normal peoples and were green. You could see his veins and his nails were long and sharp pointed at the bottom. The man sat there as two others circled him. One came and struck him with his leg in the face and the man fell over*
"When will you ever learn properly to kill someone.... Kim.."

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