Chapter 30: Arse is on Fire

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It didn't matter that she fell apart,

It was how she put herself back together.

It was how she put herself back together

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Chapter 30
"Arse is on Fire"

Thea's POV:

The silence that fell after Nick and I talked was deafening. It didn't last long, fortunately. Unfortunately, it didn't last long because Nick and I agreed to tell everyone what's been happening and what we just talked about.

It didn't go well.

Let's just say that there was a lot of shouting, cries of outrage and a lot of concerned hugging. Plus, the lounge room has gained a brand-spanking new hole in its wall.

Yeah, shit hit the fan fairly quickly.

Thankfully, the lot of us have calmed down enough to start making plans. We stand around Nick's study, pouring over maps of the city, of the underground and the forest areas surrounding us.

"The school seems to be the place it has appeared at the most," Nick circles the school with a red whiteboard marker, "But the other locations seem to be completely random. At least with the school we know those ones were planned. It's its safety net."

I rub a hand down my face, glaring down at the paper. We've been looking at these bloody things for hours and have nothing. Nada.

"I escaped from this general direction," I stab a finger at the loose bits of trees near my old home. My heart stops for a second. Old home? Since when did I think of this place as home? More of less a better one than the previous?

"But she created that prison, so I don't know what she prefers. School, random or self-made."

Alex holds up a finger, leaning into Jake's chest as he pulls her to him, "Wait, she?"

I furrow my brow, staring up at her. Didn't she know the creature is a she? It's only when I look at the confused glances of everyone else do I realise that only I know its a she.

"Oh, well, the thing is a she, everyone."

My mother rolls her eyes, "You don't say?"

I grin a little, amusement evident when I laugh, "Imagine if it was a guy. I'd be half dude."

I realise my mistake as soon as I make it. Nick hasn't been able to function properly unless I'm touching some part of him. Right now, his bare ankle is wrapped around mine, but after that careless sentence leaves my lips, I find myself sitting in his lap.

I squeal, looping my arms around his neck as he growls lowly, running his nose up and down my neck as a hand cups my mark through my clothes. I straddle him, the two of us face-to-face. I blink slowly, tracing small, hesitant circles on his back as he attempts to calm himself down.

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