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Detty Before it's too late Chapter 13: Epilogue: The prefect wedding, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Before it's too late



Three months later

It has been three months since Betty made the decision of being Daniel's wife, now here she is early in morning to go to Brooklyn bridge to her own wedding, where Daniel was waiting for along with Daniel jr., Alexis and his mother Claire. Claire getting her son ready for the most important day of his life, and she told her son,

"I am so happy for you Daniel. Betty is the prefect woman for you."

"Thanks mom."

Claire asked, "So when I except to have grandchildren."

Daniel chuckled, "Mom, me and Betty aren't even married yet, and you are already want grandkids."

"Daniel, I know and I love Daniel Jr but I am dying to have a granddaughter to spoil." Claire.said

Daniel smirked at his mother as he told her, "Well, maybe you get lucky during the honeymoon."

"I hope so" Claire said as she hugged her son,

Then Daniel and Claire were interrupted by Daniel jr. and Alexis as Alexis said,

"So Daniel, what you think of your son?"

Daniel bent down to him as said, "Hey there son, you look handsome."

"Just like you Dad." Daniel jr. said.

"Hey your Aunt did good job making you look good," Then stood as he told Alexis, "Thanks Alexis, for everything this wouldn't be happening if wasn't for you."

Alexis said. "Don't mention it Daniel. You and Betty deserve the perfect wedding."

"Yeah we do." Then Daniel hugged his sister Daniel jr., tugged on Daniel tux and said,

"Hey what about me?"

Daniel pulled away from Alexis they chuckled then Daniel grabbed and lift his son onto him, as he said,

"There you go, buddy so are you ready for Auntie Betty to become, your new mommie."


Then the priest came over to Daniel and Daniel jr, and said, "It's time."

Daniel shook his head "Yes" as he put Daniel jr down and held his hand and said, "It's time"

Then together the follow the priest, In a limo a couple blocks from the ceremony Betty and her family sitting for Betty to ready get out, Hilda gets very impatient as she yelled,

"Betty come on, you don't want to be late for own wedding, do you?"

Betty didn't answer Hilda, Ingarcio looking at his at daughter as he told

"Hilda, why don't you and Justin head out while I have a moment with Betty."

Hilda said, "Sure, come on Justin." Then Justin and Hilda got out the limo as it was only Betty and her father then she told father,

"Pappi, can you believe it, I am going to marry Daniel Meade, my boss, my best friend, my lover."

"Yeah, can I believe it, you are both lucky to have another, and you know what, you and Daniel somewhat remind of me and your mother."

Betty starting to cry, "Really Pappi, oh Pappi I wish she was here."

"Me too, Mijah, but I think she would be happy to see married a man like Daniel, so come on let's make your mother happy." Ingarcio told her daughter.

Betty hugged her father as whisper into his ear, "Thank you, Pappi, I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

Then Betty wiped her tears as smiled gleefully and said, "Let's get married."

A few moments a later Daniel then heard the sound of the wedding march as he turned toward Betty to see in a beautiful white version of the dress she wore the fashion show that Christina made for her, Daniel couldn't help but think how amazing betty looked, and how very anxious he was to be Betty's husband, as he couldn't stop smiling at as Betty couldn't stop doing the same as she herself couldn't wait to be Mrs. Daniel Meade. Then, finally, Betty reaches the altar as they grabbed each other's smiled another hold their hands tight, before the priest began he told Betty and Daniel,

"Betty and Daniel"

"Yes father" they said at same time.

Priest said, "I just to want you two to know, you two looked prefect for another and you look very much in love and I am not only happy to marry but, honor to."

Betty and Daniel said, "Thank you"

Then the priest began the ceremony,

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you everyone for coming during this early morning to celebrate the love Betty Suarez and Daniel Meade.. Now before I start with the vowels I just to say something about Betty and Daniel from what I heard from their families and friends, These two shared a love the grew over time, they started as best friends as throughout their lives started to bond, and began to care about despite appearances, this what make their love so special, as they expressed their love for one another and become one in the sight of god, Now Daniel and Betty have decided to do both traditional and say they're own vowels, So Daniel why don't start first with your vowels."

Daniel starts to sweat bullets as was very neverous to say his vowel then Betty told him,

"Daniel, it is ok just speak from your heart."

Daniel smiled as he took a deep breath and looked straight into Betty eyes and said, "Betty, I am going to take your advice like I always do and speak from my heart, Betty, I love you, and we come so far together as you being assistant to becoming my best first to become the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I want to say the relationship is deeper than me falling in love with you Betty, I will make sure to be the best husband I can be since you made me into best man that I never thought I could be. I love you Betty Suarez."

Then Betty mouth to Daniel, "I love you too"

Then priest made Daniel his vowels as turned towards Alexis to get the ring and put it Betty's finger. Then the priest turned to Betty said, "Betty, it is your turn."

Betty began her vowels, "Daniel, I never thought in a million years I would marrying, my boss slash best friend, but when told me you loved me on this very spot at this very time, something deep inside always felt the same way, but I was afraid to admit it to myself, because I didn't want to lose what we had together, but countless times you show me how much you truly loved and cared for me, and I promise that will the spend the rest of my life showing how much I love you in return, because I love you too Daniel."

Then Betty turned to Christina as she hugged, Christina then handed Betty her ring as turned back toward Daniel and repeated the priest's vowels and put the her ring on Daniel's finger then finally the priest said Betty and Daniel have been waiting for,

"Now, the power vested in me, GOD, and the state of New York, I pronounce husband and wife."

Then the priest told Daniel, "Now, you may kiss the bride."

Daniel was very happy to so as he took Betty into his arms dipped and kissed her passions, then Betty and Daniel's family cheered, clapped, smiled as the priest yelled.

"Family and Friends, I finally pronounce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meade."

Yes! and finally at exactly 5am as the sun began to rise on Daniel and Betty they were finally pronounce husband and wife.


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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