Chapter 2

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I get home by half 9, and collapse onto my bed with a mug of tea and a book.

"Allie, my darling, I hope you're ready."

Oh no, I know that voice anywhere.

Cam saunters in with a swagger only he could pull off and a swoosh of his yellow trench coat. He's also rocking leather trousers and Doc Martens. His smoky eyeshadow could murder and he has blue hair this time. I'm not surprised.

Meet Cameron Walker, my best friend since primary school and way more fashionable than I will ever be.

"Allie! Why are you not ready?" He raises his hand to his head in a fainting motion. Did I mention that he's dramatic? His eyes widen, "Don't tell me you forgot?"


"Sweetie, let's get you ready then. The party? Remember?" He thrusts his Salted Caramel Soy Frappuccino into my arms and begins to search my wardrobe, muttering under his breath.

I mumble, "Cam, I'm thinking. My audition. I don't know whether I should really go out."

"hmm?" he stops, turns and looks at me.

"My audition for the Royal Philharmonic, remember? I'm not sure whether I should come out, I need to practice."

"You need to let your hair down, once in a while Al. All you do is practice. Your harp will still be here when we get back."

I sigh, "but." He gives me the death stare, I'm not going to win. "Fuck it."

"That's my girl." He plucks a dress from nowhere. It's a slick leather bodycon dress which would reveal way too much cleavage. I don't even know why I own it.

"Okay, okay I'll go, but I'm not wearing that."


When we arrive, the club is sticky with sweat and bodies. Not my idea of fun. The bass is too loud and the lights too bright. I find a space at the bar and knock back a shot or two. Cam asks me to dance, I love him, but I don't dance. Shot three. I relax a little. Shot four. I can see Cam across the club, grinding on another guy, I sigh. Shot five. Now there are three of them, Cam of course in the middle. What am I going to do with him? Shot six. I search the dancefloor for Cam. And then I panic. Where is he? I begin to notice how crowded this area of the club is. My anxiety isn't a slow wave coming in, it's a tsunami with no warning. I can't breathe. The heat is unbearable. I'm alone and I'm scared. I feel my heart throb against my rib cage and my breath come in shaky uneven waves. I need to get out.

I push my way through the crowds, my mascara slips down my face and my clammy palms push desperately through the unmoving mass. The bathroom, an unlikely sanctuary, comes into view. I burst through the door and gasp, clinging to the sink. There are a few girls smoking near the last cubical but otherwise it's empty. I look in the mirror. God I'm a mess.

I hear the familiar Apple ringtone and the other girls glare at me. I scramble through my bag, clutching for my phone. Cam, thank god.

"Cam, I.. I.."

"Where are you honey? It's okay, just breathe."

I love how he knows me better than anyone. He is coming. It's fine now.

"The bathroom. I'm sorry, I just couldn't find you and I panicked. It's stupid, I'm sorry."

"No Al, I'm sorry, I know how you are with crowds. Me and Gary are on our way now to put that smile back on your pretty face."

I put the phone down and splash water on my face. Then I pause, Who's Gary?

Joining the DotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora