The darkness that resides in the human heart (I)

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The hot fires have been burning for several days between the different kind of groups. Near Zeno were people of the South. Different kind of flowers decorated their brownish hair, who covered their bodies with long flowing green and blue garments.

Most likely his hungry eyes must have been told them his story, since a couple of hours ago, a young woman with long dark brown hair had given him some of their dried fruits. The eight-year-old boy had taken this gift gratefully, but had been debating with himself, if he should eat it or save it for later.

There was no telling, when he would be able to sink his teeth into the next food.

After all, Zeno knew what his tribe thought about King Hiryuu. In the distance, he was able to see the small, fragile physique of the previous god of the sun. His red hair was glowing fragrantly and remotely next to the red ball of the sunset.

Every so often the young king had been surrounded by people. Like flowers followed the sun, they have been watching his every move.

It has been in vain. Zeno hadn t been able to reach the person, his tribe believed to be a previous god. The people that had been following him, had pushed Zeno aside several times already.

Dark blue and black spots adorned his small body.

"Maybe my grand-father was right?"

Zeno hasn t felt the miracle for some time now. The hunger and the exertion during their journey had been coming to hunt him. He was tired, so tired. But the nights were still cold. Spring has been born just recently. The last remains of the winter were looming in the cold of the nights, that was why Zeno was afraid to sleep in the night. Maybe he would lie down his head forever and never wake up again?

The young, eight-year-old boy, had no one. Just an old woollen blanked covered his frail, little body. Geuntae had given him this old rug in the first night, but right now was nowhere to be seen.

Occasionally, Zeno had spotted him standing next to the king from his location on a small hill, where he was able to have an overview over the whole, wide plain.

The boy was alone, cold, hungry and tired. Why was he here? Nobody needed him, and nobody asked for him.

Maybe it was better, if he just went home? Maybe his tribe would still let him come home? Zeno was afraid. Maybe he was now an outcast along with everybody else, separated from his only remaining relatives.

Quivering he was sinking in the blanket; accompanied by his dark thoughts.

The sun was near the edge of the great plain, when he heard the noise of a galloping horse.

A lean person with red flowing hair, that glowed in the setting sun, appeared before him. Surprised, that a boy that young was staying alone considerably far away from the next people, he reined this horse, that seemed to be far too big for him.

"What are you doing here all alone?", were the first words Zeno heard of the First King.

Zeno was a lil bit shocked due to the appearance of this person, but he was also tired and everything else, so he maybe was not as surprised as he should have been.

After all a human god was talking to him. How come, he didn t fall to his knees before him?

But Zeno didn t think of that at all. Not right now.

"I am fine, my lord," told Zeno while smiling. Zeno felt a little bit guilty about that lie, but it would not have been right to bother that person with his problems. Also, his return to his home village would just stay a sweet dream, if he asked the foreign god for help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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