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"Alright, Reina just left. What do the boys think you're doing today?"  Namjoon queried as he opened the door for Yoongi.

"Uh, I told them I was taking some to work on my lyrics. They have no idea." Yoongi responded, spinning the keys around his index finger. "You all good to go?"

Namjoon nodded reaching for his crutches. "I am indeed, let's do this."

The two headed for the car, once strapped in they took of immediately. Neither uttered a word to one another during the journey, all that could be heard was the radio which was switched on low. Namjoon was preparing himself, he hadn't been back since the attack and he wasn't sure how he was going to react. But he knew he had to do this, it was better than sitting at home hoping that he would remember something.

The car came to a halt outside the familiar building, Namjoon peered out the window and his heart sank.

"Are you sure you still want to do this? I can always drive you back home." Yoongi said, noticing his change in demeanor.

Namjoon shook his head and opened the door. "Nope, I'm good."

Once out of the car the two of them headed towards the building and then stepped inside the revolving doors. Namjoon glanced at Yoongi who was already staring at him, he nodded before proceeding down the hall to the final door. It was covered in police tape which read do not cross, but that didn't stop either of them. Yoongi placed his hand on the handle and yanked the door open, he beckoned for Namjoon to go in first and he did, very cautiously.

Dark brown orbs were fixed on the coffee table that now laid in several pieces beneath his feet. Eyes shut tight as he remembered falling into it, shards of glass scratching his flesh.

They flew open moments later as he peered to his right, a few spaces away was a patch of blood stained into the carpet. His blood. Namjoon's hand instantly flew to the back of his head as he remembered he came in with a head injury, the reason why he was having problems with regaining his memories.

And then to the left. The shelf which usually held his records, photos of him, his friends and Reina and other items he cherished, was now bare. Namjoon inched forward, he cautiously crouched to retrieve a photo frame which had landed face down.

"Joon." Yoongi mumbled.

"I'm fine." He responded although the glass was completely shattered he still placed it in its rightful place in the middle of the shelf. "Let's catch this son of a bitch."

They spent some time going through what was left of the studio, hoping something would trigger his memory. If so, they were prepared, whatever he remembered he would write down on a piece of paper.

"Okay, you guys received the call at around half twelve? I remember going to the bar between 10 and 11, and leaving not long after. So that leaves about an hour gap right?"

Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"If only the damn camera was working," Namjoon said.

"I'm thinking this must have been someone who knows their way around the studio, the camera wasn't broken or anything. This person knew how to make sure it wasn't filming." Yoongi offered. "Also, someone who has access or knows how to gain access, no forced entry."

Namjoon sighed, placing his head in his hands he took a seat. "I'm sorry I dragged you all the way out here."

Yoongi frowned. "What are you talking about? It may not seem like a lot but we're making progress. Why don't you put some music on, that helped last time right?"

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