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Heeyyyy.. I am back....

Sorry I've been gone for so long.. I've been busy with school and all the other things that life likes to throw at me.
    I am now 15, and a freshman in high school. Want to know something ironic? Even though I did say i would never date anyone or get asked out, apparently some people do like me cause I got asked out by two girls (neither relationship worked out but it's the thought that counts!)  And Right now I am in a relationship with a wonderful guy that I'd like to be with for as long as I possibly can! It's going to be a year of us being together on the 30th of January and I'm so excited..even though he lives like really far away XD

Sooo anyway this is an update on my life I guess, I don't live in Florida anymore and I'm going to be smart and not say where I live cause I'm not stupid XD

I have seen a lot more anime and I'm like obsessed with yaoi. I finished Camp Camp and it's just.. 👌 Mmmmmmmmm
*groans loudly*
I do NOT ship David and Max cause that's pedophilia and I don't want my poor lil Davy going to jail because of it. DON'T SHIP THEM!!! You can be like me and be like "Awweee they would be a cute family" but never "Awweee they would be a cute couple" cause David is like 20 something and Max is 10. It's wrong..don't do it.

I (sadly) don't have anymore pets ;3; but I plan on getting a small one such as a snake or some other type of reptile.

I'm more confident in my drawings now so if you want to see some of those go check out My Drawings book. The other drawings in the past are pretty crappy soooo yeah. Oh I started digital art as well so I'll put some of those in there as well.

That's it for now I guess.
Like, comment and follow.. (please)
Have a wonderful evening!
Viv~ ;3;

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