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Y / N

it took a while for us to get there, traffic had us stuck for a while. it didn't bother me too much, and ethan had turned on the radio to pass the time. we watched marks van swerve past another vehicle and overtake us, getting out of the traffic jam. ethan thumped his hand on the wheel in outrage.

"that is so not fair!" he sighed, slouching back in his seat and i laughed.
"they'll have to wait for us anyway, we have the keys."

ethan let out a chuckle and turned up the radio, humming along to some of the songs. he was always far too paranoid to actually sing but i had heard him a few times, and he sounded heavenly. i shook my head at his shyness and sang along to the song, hoping it would encourage him.

by the time we had finally started moving again, ethan had sang along quietly to a few songs and i was probably embarrassing him with my terrible singing. he laughed and shook his head when i unrolled the window and began to sing to anyone outside the window.

"you're crazy!" he laughed when the song finished, and i ruffled his hair as we entered the parking lot for the apartments.
"you love me though." i replied, climbing out the car before he could say anything. i heard him laugh and we met amy and mark before carrying everything up to my apartment.
"i'm so excited!" i squealed, struggling to unlock the door. i finally got it open and let everyone else in before closing the door behind me.
"woah." ethan was looking around the living space and had got distracted by the big windows which led to a tiny balcony. he looked over to me and i nodded before he opened the glass door and stepped out, looking over the balcony onto the road below.
"how big is this place?" amy asked, and chica barked from another room. i saw marks head peek out from the hallway and he grinned, chica's head below his, also peeking from the hall. amy and i laughed at them and i set my suitcase near the door.
"guys! this bathroom is amazing!" mark shouted and amy followed him to adventure around my apartment. i decided to join ethan on the balcony while we waited for the deliveries.
"hey." i said quietly, placing my hand on ethan's back to let him know i was there. he looked over his shoulder and smiled at me in reply, before returning his gaze to the street below.
"its really pretty here." i pointed out, watching a few kids running about in the parking lot and a concerned mother trying to round them up.
"yeah." ethan agreed.
"what's up? you seem really distant today."
"i, uh, its nothing, really. i'll tell you later."
"okay." i was still concerned but didn't push him further. we stayed on the balcony for a while before i heard a knock on the door.
"delivery for a miss y/n l/n?"


we had left ethan to build a shoe rack while amy concentrated on a smaller bookshelf. mark and i were currently focused on the bedframe.
"no, i'm pretty sure the lats go on this side." mark pointed to a diagram on the instructions and i scratched my head.
(lats are the wooden board things that go on the bed before u put the mattress on)
"but they fit in here!" i pointed to the other side of the bed where two lats were already in place, and mark groaned in frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"hey, uh, y/n? could you help me with the shoe rack?" ethan asked, and then entered the room and saw the situation we were in.
"oh, uh, nevermind."
"no its alright, y/n you can go and help ethan."
"you sure?"
"yeah, i've got this. i think." he muttered the last bit as i left the room, following ethan to the spare room where he was 'struggling' with the shoe rack. it was fully built and sat neatly on top of its box. i raised an eyebrow at him and exhaled sharply.

"i wanted to talk."
"okay," i sat down on the floor, signalling him to sit beside me. "shoot."
he joined me on the floor and rested his head in his hands.
"marks going on tour."
"and he wants us to go with him."
"ah." i nodded, and ethans chest began to rise and fall at an alarming rate.
"ethan. what are you worried about? i'll be there, mark and amy will be there, what else?"
"the, the crowd. its gonna be huge."
"that's something to be proud of."
"i am, but that means so many people staring at me and waiting for me to slip up or say something wrong."
"ethan, they love you. you'll have time to rehearse sketches before shows. you'll be fine."
he nodded, taking in a big breath of air.
"i'm just really scared, y/n. what if they hate me? the real me?"

ethan was always so confident on camera, and could easily edit out his stutters and ticks before uploading it so he seemed 'normal'.

"its your first tour, of course they're expecting you to be nervous. its okay, they're your fans. they'll understand."
"this is such a stupid thing to be worrying over. i'm sorry." he rubbed his face and sighed, sitting up to face me.
"no its not, this is a perfectly normal thing to worry over. its fine ethan." i comforted, squeezing his hand. he smiled, squeezing my hand too.
"thanks." i nodded in reply and a sudden thought ran through my head.
"fuck, i didn't buy blankets!" ethan jumped at my sudden outburst, letting out a shaky laugh as i jumped to my feet, quickly pulling on my shoes and trying to find my purse.
"you coming?"
"sure." he replied, lacing up his nikes and grabbing his jacket.
"hey guys, me and y/n are just going to the store for a couple things, okay?" ethan called out to the apartment, and amy's head poked out of a doorway.
"okay! i finished the bookcase finally!"
"great! see you guys later!"

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