Chapter 10: Revelations

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NOTE TO READERS: This Chapter is rated M for Mature

Chapter 10: Revelations

"Dowut, Plexis, Corellia, Tangenine, Kuat..."

Kylo Ren can feel General Hux grow more frenzied with every planet he names.

"Crul, Takodana, Secundus Ando, the Naboo, Belderone again..." His voice is bordering on shrill. "Insurgency spreads like a disease in all of them. We've completely lost control of the Outer Rim. It's crawling with Resistance scum and weapons, more coming in every day."

Kylo Ren listens without responding. He's not even looking at the General. His shoulders are relaxed and his hands are clasped lightly behind him. His back is to Hux as he stares out the window.

"These slave uprisings are turning into an outright rebellion against the First Order." The last part comes out as a guttural growl. Hux lets out a great burst of air, like he's been holding his breath this entire conversation.

Kylo Ren feels the General's eyes on him. He still doesn't respond. He doesn't even turn around.

Hux's annoyance with him quickly escalates into fury.

"Supreme Leader!" The General lets the words escape as a shout as he slams his palms on the large table in the center of the room.

Kylo doesn't budge.

"Starkiller 2 will be operational in just over a day," he continues at a more reasonable volume. "With your permission, I'd like to use the weapon to take out Cantonica and the Concord Dawn system. That'll cut the Resistance's numbers in half. And it will show this galaxy the First Order does not tolerate rebellion under any circumstances."

"No," Kylo answers flatly. He still doesn't turn around.

"Why not?" Hux's voice is shrill again.

"Because I did not become Supreme Leader to rule over an asteroid field."

Hux lets out another burst of air. "With all due respect, if you don't intend to use the weapon on Starkiller at a time like this, then why did we even bother building it?"

"Fear," Kylo responds. "The people in this galaxy know what the weapon can do. They've seen it before."

"Yes, well that doesn't seem to be stopping half the systems under our control from falling into insurgency. Perhaps it's time to remind them that the systems in this galaxy exist only under the First Order's good graces. All others will be pulverized."

"No," Kylo repeats dispassionately. "We will not use the weapon. Not yet."

Hux sighs, clearly reaching peak frustration.

"Then how should we respond to the Resistance's upcoming attack? All of our sources tell us they're planning an assault on our core forces, including this ship, in three days."

"Set course for Starkiller 2," Kylo commands. "Call in our forces to join us there. All of them."

"All of them?" Hux asks in disbelief.

"All of them."

Hux sputters. "I..." he begins hesitantly, "I realize that your background has not afforded you the privilege of becoming well-versed in large scale military strategy, so allow me to inform you that it is considered an extremely bad idea to concentrate one's entire military might in one place—"

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