chapter 1

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- Taehyung: You may be resisting me right now but I know you'll give in really fast
- Me: Never!! Don't come near me anymore!!
- Taehyung: Hmpf... You know it's impossible... if you want to stop, fine but you know what will happen...
- Me: I know! 5 other girls will be chosen! Blablabla...

Taehyung ended up stepping back with a smirk on his face. I look at him walking away, I was so shocked by his umpteenth attempt that I forgot to breath. When he was out of my sight, I let out a long sigh and started sliding down the wall I was leaning on. I squated down and looked at the floor or at least that's what it looked like. Actually, I was thinking about all the events that had happened over and over again. It's like a movie that keeps on playing and that you can't stop. How did I end up in this situation? How did a normal teen, like me, who was living her life all by herself, end up in a situation like this one?

My life changed a week after school had started, I was finally in 12th grade and I was finally able to use the room made just for the 12th graders. When they came in, when HE came in; Taehyung, Felix, Wonsik and Jongin. I was talking with my friends so didn't really pay attention to them, I just noticed that they were quite popular seeing how many people started talking to them. They were sitting right behind me so I overheard a bit of their conversation: " it's our turn!", " I already spotted one that could suit this game" or " The game will soon begin". I didn't really understand what they were talking about. Two days later, I finally understood. That day I had math with Taehyung, Eunbin and Minah. Like usual, I was sitting in the back next to the heater and I was waiting for Eunbin, my best friend, when Taehyung took her place. I told him that this seat was already taken but he didn't seem to care about it. During class everything was normal when suddenly he took my hand, I'm not gonna lie he's quite handsome but we didn't even know each other. I tried taking my hand out of his grip but he didn't let it go, instead he put a red bracelet with a lock around it, before saying" Welcome to The Virginity Games" . I immediately understood that I was being dragged into something fishy, and I was right. A week later, they announced the players and the pawns of this year's game. There were four players, we were eight pawns and their was one joker/an extra pawn. When I understood the situation, I tried taking the bracelet of, but without the key it was impossible. I wasn't the only one trying, my friends and other girls I don't were also trying . They also explained the rules of the game:

1. A player chooses two girls, who become his pawns and they get a bracelet the same colour as the guy who chose them.
2. There always needs to be 4 players, 8 pawns and 1 joker. So when a player only had one or even no pawns left, he needs to choose a new one.
3. A joker is selected by all the players. This person will have a bracelet with all four colours.
4. Points are awarded every time a player takes a pawn's virginity; a pawn of his colour = 2 points, a pawn of another colour = 1 point and the joker = 3 points.
5. In case a pawn wants to quit the game, another pawn will be chosen and the number of pawns per player increases to 4.
6. In case a player wants to quit, the latter will designate a new player to take his place. But the pawns won't change.
7. Rape is prohibited under penalty of being excluded for good of the game for the player and the release of the pawns.
For the players: taking the virginity of as many pawns as possible and 've elected the Master of the game.
For the pawns: keep their virginity until the end of the year.

Upon hearing those rules, I quickly understood that even if I quit the game, it wouldn't end and it would become even worse. I have no other choice. I have to win. Well that'swhat you say in the beginning but when the players harass you even when your at your house, you really think about giving up. It's now been a month that I'm Taehyung's pawn and because of that, he annoys me everyday. In this kind of situation you don't know who to turn to for help or who to talk to, because nobody could understand this situation. I am lucky to have some virgin friends who were also dragged into this stupid game. Haewon was Wonsik's pawn, Minah was Jongin's and Jimin was Felix's. It seems like isn't really active in this game so I'm not to warry of him, Wonsik is keeping himself busy with the Joker and Jongin is the worse, the most dangerous, he harasses everybody. Taehyung is focused on his pawns, so I'm threatened by 2 people. It's both relieving and a burden at the same time.

I stand up hearing footsteps getting closer to the hallway I was in. I decided to meet with my friends during the first break of the day, in our " special room". They were sitting next to the heater, I join them and I hear familiar voices, the players. They were two tables away but it was like they were next to us.

- Me: What's out next class?
- Haewon: I don't know, I think it's history
- Minah: yeah it's history, so I have a study period.
- Me: oh yeah... Well let's go for another hour with those three morons.
- Haewon: it's really starting to get on my nerves. We can't even sit next to each other when they are there...
- Me: yeah I know but we can't do anything about it. I have an Idea!!
- Minah: oh! I can feel it's going to be a shitty idea😂
- Me: NO !! Maybe if we ignore them, they will get bored ?
- Haewon: that's what I have been doing since the beginning and it didn't work, on the contrary it motivates them even more.
- Me: ah... then we have to find another idea!


- Minah: Fighting!!
- Haewon + Me: Fighting!!

We leave Minah alone with the rest of her class. We reach the classroom and wait for the teacher to come. She let us in and like they usually do, Taehyung comes to sit next to me and Wonsik goes next to Haewon. We start class, we're learning about World War 2. A rather interesting chapter but Taehyung next to me, I have a hard time concentrating. The teacher hands out some papers. I read the title : " research work in group ". I underestimated how dangerous this situation could be for us before the teacher told us to form the groups. Obviously the chances of Haewon and me being together are high because I was going to tell the teacher before Taehyung did.

Teacher: oh yes and I would like it if you didn't pair up with your usual partner, if it's possible I would like mixed groups.

Well I didn't see that coming. I looked at Haewon with a distressed look on my face and so did she.

- Taehyung: Haha I think we'regoing to have fun.
- Me: Do you think you're the only guy in this class?
- Taehyung: Look around you, everyone is already settled with their partner.

He was right and it was pissing me off, he's going to try something for sure! At worst I can do the work through Skype. I'm imagining the look on his face when I am going to suggest this. I can't wait !!

- Me: OK let's do it together.
- Taehyung: See! You can be cute when you want
- Me: yeah but I have my ways when it comes to group works.
- Taehyung: oh yeah? What are those?
- Me: We always do it via Skype.
- Taehyung: oh well we have to change those bad habits of yours! Why don't we go to your place?
- Me: Hmpf... there's not much room at my place.
- Taehyung: that's not a problem, we will go to my place then.

In the end he's always the one who gets what he wants and I cannot make an excuse to not go. I feel that if I don't go, he won't do the work. Plus he always smiles when he gets what he wants, he's so cute when he smiles but I cannot fall for him. If his plan works, I won't last very long. And let's not forget that he may be beautiful on the outside but the inside's been rotten for a long time. I could never fall in love with someone like him, someone who plays with people. I want a boyfriend but he needs to be nice, cute, considerate,...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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