The Bridge

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I squint my eyes, the suns brightness seeping into past and into my eyelids. A soft wind brushes against my skin, making me shiver. I place my hand over my eyes blocking out the bright sun's light and look over to the end.

The end?

The end of what?

The end of a bridge.

As my senses come back, and my memory amiss. My eyes adjust to what's laying in front of me.I rub my eyes with the back of my hand to clear my vision. What lays ahead of my feet, is a bridge. A rickety, old bridge that sways gently with the wind.

A bridge? Seriously?

Wait, hold on a second. How did I even get here in the first place? This makes absolutely no sense. I mean, I don't remember anything.

What happened? Am I dreaming?

Okay, I quit playing the guessing game. I have no idea how I got here. I'm not sure if this is a dream, a dream, where an image is playing in my head while I rest into slumber, or if this is actually happening.

The image seems too surreal to be real. With the sun in the background and the cliff I am standing on top of is slowly creaking. Making the tiny pebbles fall past onto the ground. The tainted blue sky is resting behind thousands of trees as far as the eye can see.

This is absolutely beautiful.

But then again, if this wasn't real, how is it that I am seeing things with such perfect perspective? I mean the human brain isn't that amazing to the point where we humans can imagine or create images this real.

Or is it?

The bridge stretches for at least one mile, possibly even two. No. You know what? Make that three. 

The two ropes that look worn out have little pieces of fiber sticking out. They look as if they've been placed here thousands of years ago. And the two small little wooden poles that stand in front of me, hold the bridge up. The wood looks cut and it makes it seem like the thick branch may break off at any time.

Looking down past the bridge, the ground looks far, far away. So far it almost a scares me.


But guess what? 

It doesn't. I mean why should it? After all, it's just a dream. Right?

I feel like I should be taking a risk. Wouldn't it be fun? Not only that, it would be dangerous. I've got nothing to lose. Nothing.

I have no memory if how I got here. Stating the fact that I am still confused if this is my subconscious, or is this reality.

I mean I hope its reality. It would be a bummer if I was dreaming.

If this is real, and I'm not dreaming, who placed me here? How did I get here? Where am I exactly? I have never seen a place as beautiful as the one that I am standing in right now.

The way the sky looks like it'll stay that color forever. Or maybe how the steps of the bridge look so old, so old that time has definitely not been kind. The steps look as if thousands have been over it before me and it looks so breathtaking. How could've man built this? No, no, scratch that. Why did man build this? How did man build this? He could'nt have. There has to be a reason. Did man have a destination? What lays behind that jungle?

Too many questions that need answering. 

Animals? No. Impossible.

No matter how beautiful this place looks, it looks... peaceful... undisturbed.

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