Chapter 7

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"So, you have arrived - Foolish duck." Master Quark muttered under his breath as Quack bumped into his messy unwashed feathers. - Master Quark smelt like dog piss, actually no, worse. He never brushed his feathers and had sticks and leafs stuck to his back making his appearance somehow more intimidating.

Quack swam back a few feet and glared at Master Quark, evil seeping through his eyes. "Master Quark! I have come to assassinate thou!" Quacks words echoed through the vast, empty forbidden woods.

"Assassinate me?!" He exclaimed, a smirk growing wide on his beak, "Ah, little Quack - So young and pure." Master Quark circled around the duck which was evidently much smaller than him. "How do you plan to assassinate me?"

"Like this!" Quack dug his beak deep into the murky water, pulling out a long string of seaweed, Quack moves around Master Quark quickly, wrapping him in the sticky seaweed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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