Chapter One

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"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Wake up! Wake up!" Lilly bounced on top of me squeeling excitedly.

"Okay, honey. Okay I'm up," I laughed as she rolled off the bed and ran towards the door.

"Aunty Simon is here!" She ran down the hall.

I heard an "oomph" as she ran into my older sister, Simon. I knew I should have never gave Simon a key to my house. She's always sneaking into my house to ruin my beauty sleep.

"Hey sis." Simon said walking into my room before plopping down on my bed.

She flipped her dark brown waves over her shoulder and straightened out her blue shirt. She's always been the prettier one out of us. Her entire appearance screamed sexy. Her pale green eyes were a striking contrast to her dark hair. It could make any man fall head over heals for her.

She also had one of those bodies that only yoga people have. That's strange because she doesn't even try.

My hair, though, is a pale blonde and my eyes a faded blue. I'm not fat but I'm not skinny. I'm an awkward in between weight. Nothing extravagant happening here.

"Ugh! Why do you always have to ruin my beauty sleep? Giving you that key was a bad idea." I laughed, kicking the covers off my legs.

"What? I'm hurt, Love. In here," she points to her chest before going on, "Anyway, if you didn't who would come save you or Lilly if something was wrong? Thats right, no one!" She pushed my shoulder.

Yup, that's right. My mom named me Love. She always said it's because everyone loves Love.

"Let's see. Hmm. I don't know maybe that handy thing called 9-1-1. I've heard great reviews. Really can save a life. What ever.. why are you here anyway?" I asked before yawning and stretching.

"I had to wake you up early on your twenty-first birthday! Duh! We gonna get our party on tonight. Maybe even get you a sexy hunk of man, if you know what I mean," She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

I stood up and put my hands on my hips. She knows how I feel about guys. Especially after what heppened when I was 16.

"HA. HA. Yeah right," I humored her.

"What ever baby sis. We got to go shopping for an outfit for tonight, so get dressed," Simon spanked my butt before heading for the door.

"But who's going to watch Lilly?" I asked walking to my shower.

"Mom, of course! Gosh sometimes I question your sanity," She shut the door behind her and immediately went to attack Lilly.

"Ahh no! Aunty Simon! I hate being tickled!" Lilly giggled.

Simon has always loved my daughter like her own. I guess it's because I had her so young. She must have felt like she had to be like a second mom to her. I wasn't your average sixteen and pregnant case though.

When I was in high school I wasn't the most popular kid in school. I was one of those kids that got bullied everyday. It was never physical, just little insuts I would hear from across the room.

One day, though, I was walking home from school when a group of the "popluar bad boys" walked toward me. I thought they would just walk by and leave me alone. I was horribly wrong. So horribly wrong. They knocked my books out of my hand and one slapped me across the face.

The next thing I knew they were all hitting me. Throwing punches at my face, kicking me everywhere, and verbally asulting me. Then one grabbed my thigh, hard. I looked at him, shocked. He grined nastly before grabbing my butt. Then the rest of the guys followed. They dragged me to a near by vacant building.

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