Chapter 2

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As the hours passes and there's no clue about where eric is "i think i should start looking for him" david says to me with a worried expression on his face "no i think you should wait he is probably just hanging out with his friends i'm sure it's nothing" i say to him and try to calm him down as we both hear a really loud music from outside next to our house "what is that?" david asks me and seems annoyed. " i'll go and check it you try to call eric again!"i say to him leaving the room and heading to the front door and it's really loud there i open the door and find eric with a bunch of drunk kids and he is drunk too! "what the hell eric?" i say to eric and hear one of his friends says " your brother's wife is so hot man how could you not tell me? " and eric laughs while they all get out of the car and come to me. "hey i'm jake" one of them tells me and i say to him " are you drunk?".

"no i'm just so tired" jake says to me while stumbling into my boobs,david has started to notice that hailey is late so he went down to check,he found jake in hailey's bosom and she is pushing him and saying " are you crazy?!" 

 "what the hell are you doing you scumbag?"david says to jake while grabbing a hold of his shirt."hey don't touch me it's not my fault that your wife is hot!" jake says to david while laughing with his friends and i smile. "if you talked about her like that again i'll kill you" david says to jake and looks very angry so i tell him "enough david he is just a kid" and david lets go of him . "i'm not a kid and if you want a proof i'll prove it to you in the room" jake says to me and winks while his friends are laughing and i try to hide my smile. "eric make your friend go now or i'll kill him" david says and means it."enough jake go now " eric tells jake while smiling,jake blew the smoke of his cigarette in david's face then he wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to me,i look at it and it's a phone number of course,david looks angry so i throw the paper in jake's face,me and eric entered the house while david was still looking at jake with anger so i pull david into the house and slam the door .  

"you went out without telling me and not answering my calls and here you are now i find you at midnight drunk and hanging out with bunch of  pathetic futureless losers! have you lost your mind?" david yells at eric and i stand still. "i'm tired let's fight tomorrow" eric tells david and climb up the stairs. then david pulled his shirt and told him "when i'm talking to you listen to me i'm your big brother,you live with me in my house i spend my money on you so fuckin hear me out!" 

"fine what do you want now they are my friends and i love them nothing you say will change my mind" eric tells david and push him away. "find others to love in your school and by the way you are grounded for a week" david tells eric." oh come on i'm sorry okay?"

"we will talk about it tomorrow it's getting late let's all go to sleep" i say to both of them, we all went up stairs to our rooms.i wake up at 9 and find david still sleeping so i try to wake him up by patting on him and saying his name but he tells me " no let me sleep another hour"  so i till him " and i won't sit by myself doing nothing" and i open the curtains and he puts a pillow on his head so i take the pillow and hit him with it then he wakes up and says to me " seriously?" and i kiss his cheek "yup".

so me and david are making breakfast and i call for eric to eat with us,we all sit on the table and silence prevails until eric breaks it "so did you really mean what you said yesterday?" he asks david. 'i meant everything" david answers him,"so am i still grounded?" eric starts to shout "yes you are and don't talk to me like that!" david shouts back.

"okay you both shut up now ,eric go to your room"i say to them "whatever i hate both of you" eric says to us and leave. "look david i don't think you should be that hard on him try to talk to him first and advise him he is still young and stupid" i say to david "you know what i think? i think it's none of your damn business how i treat my little brother got it?" david yells at me and i can't believe myself that he just said that! "heyy i was just trying to help!"i yell back. "thanks for your unwanted help" he says to me with a wry smile and i just stand still as he leaves me and head to the door. "where the hell are you going?" i say to him "i'm going to my friend's place if u don't mind of course" he says with a sarcastic voice and i roll my eyes

i can't believe that he is angry with ME what did i do? i sit down on the couch and open my laptop that's when i hear the doorbell rings and i find eric sneaking to open the door " stop!" i say to him and run to open the door,i find jake standing and the rest of the group are in the car.

"you again!" i say to jake with an annoyed expression, "you'll be seing me again and again and again" jake says to me while stepping closer and i push him away. "eric is grounded and i won't let him come out until you tell me what the hell did u do last night?" i ask jake and he looks at eric.

"we.." eric says but jake cuts him off. " we were just at a party and we got carried away so we drank alittle i swear it won't happen again" jake says to me with a cute smile. " oh that's funny jake is being polite!" i say with a sarcastic voice. "oh no you got the wrong idea about me i was just acting weird because i was drunk" jake says to me and i don't believe him i see something else in his eyes , "yeah right" eric says while laughing and jake looks at him with anger and says " shut up!"

"so are you going to let me go or what?" eric asks me and i say "yeah...but under one condition" i say to eric and he rolls his eyes while saying " of course"

"what's your condition?" jake asks me and i answer him by saying "i'll go out with you to see for myself what will you do and to get to know eric's friends and see if they are a good company or not"

"whaat?" eric says with a shocked expression on his face."are you serious?" jake asks me with a confused expression.

"yes iam,that or nothing what do you choose?" i say and look at eric." god i hate you but okay " eric tells me and looks really annoyed. "awww i love you too " i say to him with a smile on my face,and jake laughs. "come in" i say to jake and lock the door and take the key with me so they won't go without me,i go upstairs to change and i change into my red dress and put on my usual makeup and go down,"waw, you look really beautiful" jake says to me as i smile and say "thanks"   "okay let's go now" eric says to us and i nod. 

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