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I hear a knock on the door. I wake up and open it. It was Jack. "What?" I asked. "My bandmates wanna meet you." He says. I nod and he leaves and I fix myself. I wanted to go out so I wear this

I go downstairs and see boys talking

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I go downstairs and see boys talking. Jack looks at me and says "Guys this is Leah, Leah this is Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, and Daniel" When I saw Daniel I felt weirded out for some reason. I felt like we just Ughh I don't know. "Hi. I'm gonna go out so I'll catch up with y'all later" I said and immediately walked out. I had a weird feeling of Deja Vu. I went to some stores and went into forever 21 and bought some clothes. I then got some Starbucks and walked home. I got home and I saw the boys. I walked upstairs put my bags and talked to Daniel. He has a tooth gap. No. It can't be. Is he my Daniel? I notice Daniel looking at my necklass. The necklass that my Daniel gave me. "Daniel what's your last name?" I ask "Seavey why?" He asked. I cry and get his hand and run upstairs. The boys notice and follow. Daniel was looking at me like I'm fucking weird but I don't care. I cry so hard I felt like the world was staring. I open the door to my room. "DANIEL WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER." I heard Jack scream. "Um why am I here and why are you crying" he asked. I pointed to the wall behind him. He cries and runs down stairs. That made my day. I hear him scream "I FOUND YOU, I FOUND YOU LEAH, I FOUND MY LEAH SMITH" And then I heard a thud. I run down stairs. "I'm ok" he says. I laugh and cry at the same time. We hug and I say "I found you, I found you Daniel James Seavey" we hug.
"Aw first of all, second of all what the hell is going on?" Asked Jack. "See me and Daniel have been best friends since we were born. One day well on my 11th birthday, my mom died and my dad sexually asutled me. I told Daniel. The next day he asulted me I woke up and I found out on the news. The cops came and told me to pack the fuck up. I called Daniel to help me and the last thing I told him was that I love him." I said. Daniel cries and kisses my cheek. "AWWE #LANIEL" Says Corbyn.
I found you Daniel James Seavey. M Daniel James Seavey.
And I found you. I found you my cheesy pizza. I'm never letting go. By foreal enjoy-V

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