IV: Mourning

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I should be sorry for this. But I'm kind of not?


Art is Tamaytka's, as usual! Casper belongs to her, so don't forget to check out her social media's; Tumblr, Instagram & YouTube, all under "Tamaytka"!

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Art is Tamaytka's, as usual! Casper belongs to her, so don't forget to check out her social media's; Tumblr, Instagram & YouTube, all under "Tamaytka"!

You rolled over in bed, looking at your phone as it laid on charge beside you. The screen was lit up to reveal the cheesy selfie of you and your boyfriend, Casper, sharing an innocent kiss. Ironically, the notification that lit up the screen was a text from said boyfriend, with just the kiss emoji.

Sitting up with a yawn, you ran a hand over your face and picked up your phone to tap in your passcode. It was routine - receive an early morning text from Casper, get up to get ready for the day, and meet him on his break. It was a routine you both cherished because it meant something in your lives was consistent.

Hey, beautiful. Hope you slept great! xx

Every morning, he sent you a different wake up text. But they always held the same cheerful tone, even if his day was going terribly when he sent it. You replied quickly, your own drowsy good morning to him, before sliding out of bed and stumbling to your bathroom to prep for the day.

It took usually two hours for you to wake up properly, following your usual routine. Shower, brush your hair and your teeth, scrub your face awake for the day before getting dressed and making a coffee. By that time, you were ready to head out and go meet Casper.

Except, today you had to wrap a present too, and tuck it into your bag.

It was his birthday, today. And he hadn't mentioned anything yet, so you had a hunch that he wasn't feeling the best, or that someone had brought down his day. After spending the last two years dating him, you kind of had a hunch about how he responded to particular events and occasions. It hurt a little to know that he wasn't happy today, but you just made it your goal to make him happy instead.

Tucking the now wrapped present into your bag, you stopped to look at the wrapping paper, admiring the cute pattern for a moment. It was a little ghost drawing, with a moustache, top hat and monocle. Chuckling, you grabbed your phone and made your way out the door as you thought back to when Casper had introduced you to the character - Barry, you thought his name was. Whenever he popped up on Facebook, you could just hear Casper quietly whisper that one phrase from a video you had stumbled onto. 'Yer a creep, Barry.' Every time, without fail.

The day was bright; the sun was out, clouds parting to reveal the gorgeously blue sky. Not a single grey storm cloud in sight. The perfect day to celebrate a birthday. Your neighbours were shut inside their own houses, as per usual, their yards yellowing and overgrown with neglect.

Unfortunately, your own yard resembled theirs, but slowly you and Casper had been chipping away at making it into the ideal little house for both of you. The lawn wasn't quite so long, and the dead trees had been removed, at least.

You made it to the bus stop, without being stopped by anyone, which was a relief. Most days the kids stopped you, begging you to play with them or to draw on the sidewalk. You didn't normally have the time - and the one day off you had, you had already made plans for. So thankfully, you were going to be on time!


The bus ride was short. The walk to Casper's workplace even shorter, seeing as it was just a block from the bus stop.

There he was, your white haired knight. He was picking up empty cups to place on a tray, using his blue rag to wipe down the table from any crumbs or spills. He looked tired, already, despite having only been working for an hour. He wore his signature white dress shirt, grey woollen vest and a pair of black jeans that his boss let him get away with wearing. Mainly because he had to wear a deep grey apron over it, covering most of them. Just peeking out of the apron, a notebook and a couple of pens. As well as his phone, which should've been in his locker, but your Casper had a tendency to break the rules a little bit.

It was part of the roguish charm that brought you to him, when you first came to the café with your ex.

Smiling, you semi-fondly remembered the encounter, but thought not to dwell on it. Your arm and cheek hurt at the mere memory of your previous relationship - it was hard; Casper described it as forceful, from his perspective. You had only silently agreed and just moved on. It was one of your promises to him - never to dwell on the abusive experiences you had endured with your ex.

Pausing, you squinted.

Thinking of your ex, surely wouldn't have just summoned him. It seemed like something that only happened in movies and books - think of the Devil and He shall appear. Devon, your ex partner, was stalking towards Casper at a slow pace. He was still far enough away, that Casper wouldn't see him unless called.

Maybe it was just coincidence that Devon was passing through the area.

At least, you thought it was until you saw Devon lifting his hands to reveal a weighty looking object in his hands - it gleamed silver in the sunlight, wooden accents polished proudly as it was lifted to Devon's eye level. Too late, you realized exactly what it was.

'Casper!' You screamed, unaware your throat had even made a sound until you saw your boyfriend's head lift to look in your direction, mouth hanging open in confusion and his eyebrows knitted.

The world went silent, and you saw his eyes widen suddenly as his body abruptly jerked. He dropped the cup and rag, hands coming to rest on his chest as you saw something small, covered in red, appear and drop to the ground near him.

The untucked edges of his white shirt were quickly staining red, his knitted vest beginning to sag with the weight of blood building up within the stitches. He fell to his knees, mouth wide open in a cry of agony - but you heard nothing.

You heard the silence of your world coming to a stop, eyes moving from your boyfriend to the retreating figure of your ex as he tossed his head back and laughed. Your feet moved to Casper, dropping to your own knees in time to catch him as he fell forwards, his body a heavy weight under your smaller one.

You both knew it already, the hole left from the bullet that had pierced him, was straight through his heart. Feebly, you pressed your hands onto his back, trying to stop the bleeding on one side with your own body, the other with your hands.

You could feel him slipping away.

'[Y/N],' you heard him whisper into your shoulder.

'No. Don't say a word...you're fine.' You hissed in response, silencing him selfishly.

His head lolled on your shoulder, looking up to you weakly as he gave you a lopsided grin - the usual loving one he gave you. Gradually, the light of his eyes...

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