Chapter 5

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"CLOVE!!!!" I ran as fast as I could back to the Meadow. I was to late. She was no where in sight. "CLOVE WHERE ARE YOU?!!???!!!??"

"CATO HELP ME PLEASE!!!!" I knew I couldn't find her like this. I had to get help. I ran to my house and told my dad. Then I went to Clove's house and got her mom and dad. MY dad had called the Mayor and he immediatley set the alarms. "CLOVE WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!?????"


"You have to let me go past the fence to find her."

"Okay. Follow me."  The peackeepers and I raced to the opening in the fence and we went through. "CLOVE!!!" She screamed again it sounded like she was in pain. We raced towards her. She kept moving so we guessed they were on the move to. "CATO DON"T COME ANY FARTHER IT"S A TRAP!!!!"


"DON'T THEY WILL KILL YOU!!!!" Great. They are smarter than we thought. "What are we going to do?" Her mom was on the brink of tears. Her dad was trying to calm her down. "We will just have to go, if we die we die. We died for a good cause though."

"Okay. Let's go."  We raced faster but quieter. We looked everywhere and watched where we were going. "CLOVE!!!" I had heard nothing for a few minutes and I couldn't help myself. A peackeeper put his hand over my mouth and we continued walking. I didn't hear Clove again.

I was starting to get really worried. I pulled his hand off of my mouth. We continued walking and then I heard her scream again. I covered my own mouth so I wouldn't shout. I just ran even faster. When I saw her, I crouched down behind some bushes. Everyone else did the same. I stood up very slowly thinking that the coast was clear.

I then started running towards the cave she was in and then I felt searing pain in my thigh. "Ahh!" Clove looked over at me and ran over. "Cato! I told you not to come."

"We were going to save you one way or another." I clutched my leg and I could feel my pants getting wet from the blood. I closed my eyes trying not to think of the pain. I was on the ground now. Clove had set my head on her jacket she was wearing.

The peackeeper guy came back and ran out to us. I knew it was him because he was still wearing the outfit. He took Clove away. "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!"

"Or what?" Then a small hole appeared on his chest, I looked behind me and another peacekeeper on my side had shot him. Other people started to come out from behind trees and bushes after he had fallen.

"Clove come here." I stood up as best I could and started walking to safety near my dad. Clove helped me and she reunited with her mom and dad. Her mom started tending to my wound to help out. "Thanks for helping me Mrs. O'Malley."

"Don't thank me. You helped us find our daughter." I nodded and sat as still as possible so she could fix my leg. I whinced every now and then beause it hurt really bad. The other were still fighting along with my dad.  "Almost done Cato."

"Thanks." She patched it up and I was done. She told me to stay down for now. Clove stayed with her mom and me.

We stayed low and out of the way. Clove's mom helped anyody that was really wounded every once in awhile. The battle finally endedd after everyone on the other side was killed. I think I had passed out from the blood loss so my dad carried me home.

From what I could see before I passed out, a few peacekeepers had died, so the others carried them. Clove's mom stitched up my wound and bandaged it again after she put medicine on it.

                                                                *Two Days Later*

I woke up with my leg hurting like crazy and I was in my own room. I still felt a little drowsy so I didn't get up. I just layed there and closed my eyes until I heard my door open. My dad walked in with some food.

"I thought you might wake up today."

"Ya. What happened? I dont' remember."

"Clove's mom said that you wouldn't remember much. I can tell you this. People took Clove over the fence and we went after them. You got shot in the leg, and some peacekeepers and I fought the other guys. Clove is okay and well. She is at home recovering as well."


"You will go back to training in a few days as well. As soon as you can walk, you will go back."


"Eat this. Don't eat to fast, but this will help keep your strength up."

"Okay. What happened to Clove."

"She had the same blood type as you, and since you had lost so much blood she gave some to you."

"Oh okay. Tell her I said thank you when you can."

"Okay. I will. Eat up."

"Okay." I had some toast and and orange juice. It wasn't much, but at least it helped. I can't believe Clove would donate blood. I'm actually very happy she did. If not, I probably wouldn't be alive.  I needed to talk to her.

What my dad said didn't seem quite right. I think he was lying to me. I'll find out sooner or later. I was able to move aorund, but not for long. It hurt really bad. I changed the bandage every couple over hours, because it would still bleed.

I also wasn't aloud to eat much either. I could only eat certain foods otherwise they would come right back up. I think it was because of the blood loss. My mom siad I should be over this in a few more days. I'm glad to.

Clove's mom came over once in awhile with messages from Clove, and she would take mine back. We did this almost everday, or when her mom could bring them to me. We had really wierd conversations. Like today for example.

She asked me how her blood was doing in my body. I was laughing my head off. I said I don't know because I can't see inside my body. I was able to run now, but it still hurt. My mom finally took me to the doctor to get it fixed.

He pulled the bullet out, and put a really good medicine on the wound. Then he bandaged it up. We went home and mom cooked dinner. I was able to eat different foods now.  I really wanted to see Clove. I only heard from her occasionally.

We were eating when my mom spoke up. "You're going back to training next week."

"Okay. Is Clove?"

"Yes. You guys will be well enough by then. Your tranier knows why you haven't been there also."


Cato's Life Book 1 (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now