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||| Luke |||

My eyes widened once I heared my alarm go off.
Shit it's 6:30am and our interview is in an hour!
I covered my head with one of my pillows and groaned. I turned to my side and saw him laying there next to me.
Ashton was still sound asleep breathing softly.
Yesterday he was feeling home sick so him and I watched a few Disney films to cheer him up and basically he slept over in my room.
Micheal, Ashton, Calum, and I all share an apartment here in New York.
We've only been living in here for a few months or so.
Today we have an interview with a talk show about our tour that's coming up.

I shook Ashton trying to wake him up. " Wakey wakey ashton.." I said softly. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. " Oh hey, what time is it?" He yawned out as he started to sit up.
"It's 6:40 we really need to get ready." I got out of bed and went to my closet and picked out an outfit for myself. " Hurry and get ready, yeah?" I said as I ran to my bathroom to brush my teeth.
"Fiiiiine." Ashton sighed and got out of my bed and walked out.

After I was done getting ready and dressed I ran downstairs into the kicthen where the other 3 were.
"You made it just in time Luke, the car is here for us." Calum said as I walked to the front door.

I followed everyone out the door of the apartment and into the car.
The interview starts at 8 and it was already 7:20am.
Ashton looked still sleepy it was adorable.
I softly whispered to him in his war. "You alright love?".
He slowly nodded "Yeah I'm fine, thanks for helping feel better."
We both shared smiles to eachother for a moment until we realized it was awhile. It was like we were in our own world.
"Did any of you guys post about us being at the show on twitter?" I asked the car trying to make everything less awkward.
"I did! The fans seem really excited for us it's really sweet!" Micheal announced to us.
" Thats awesome! " Ashton yelled as he quickly went on twitter on his phone.
" Alright boys were here! " The driver said as he stopped near a giant building surounded by paparazzi and cheering fans with signs.
" Alright who's gonna go out first?" Calum asked all 3 of us.
Ashton looked up at me without a word, I'm assuming he's still a bit home sick.

"Ashton and I will go first?" I suggested.

Micheal shrugged and smiled "Alright."
" I got out of the car first and moved aside waiting for Ashton to come out too.
" Ready?" I whispered to Ashton .
" Ready."
We walked down inbetween the crowds of fans and news press. I took a picture with a few girls and gave autographs to a few with Ashton.
Calum and Micheal were behind us and we soon hurried into the building.

" Welcome boys! " A woman greeted us and hugged us all.
" You guys are even cuter up close! Follow me right this way. The show starts in 5. " The lady said as she hurried into a room.
We all hurried and followed her in.
There was a few couches and on a stage and allot of people sitting down waiting for the show to start.
I sat next to Ashton on one couch while Micheal and Calum sat on the other one.

||| ashton |||

I was really nervous even though this isn't our first interview, every interview adds up a gist of us and how the world sees us. I grabbed a water bottle from one of the tables near the couch and quickly drank some.
I moved a bit more closer to Luke on the couch, I just felt more comfortable with him there close to me.
When he saw me move closer to him he rested his arm on top of the couch for me to move closer.
" Thanks Luke. " I whispered to him.
" Anytime Ash. " he replied.
The host lady walked out from one of the doors and sat on a chair that was in between both couches.
" Hello everyone! As you can see we have a special guest with us today.
Here we have Five Seconds of Summer! " she yelled happily.
We all smiled and waved at the cameras near us.
" So how are you boys? Are you enjoying the states so far? " she asked facing Micheal.

" Oh yes! It really beautiful here and were really thankful for all of our support and things from everyone. " he responded.

" Well that's wonderful to here!
So were all hearing that you're having a tour coming up is this right?" She said turning to Ashton and I.

" Yes m'am were having a tour this summer actually. There should be more information about it on our website soon so everyone should really check that out. " Luke said.

" How exciting to hear!! Very exciting!! Now Calum is it true that you and Lauren Woods are secretly together?" She said while looking at Calum.
" Well it's not a secret anymore! "Calum smiled and chuckled.
The whole crowd and laughed and awwed at his news.
" How long have you two been together? " she asked.
" About a month actually. She's absolutely amazing I'm really lucky to have her she absolutely perfect. "
Calum replied while smiling big.

Everyone once again awed and clapped.
" That is so sweet darling, Lauren is a very very lucky girl.
Now I was hoping that you all could perhaps play a song for us?"
The crowd started cheering.
" I'm not sure..." Micheal said playfully.
" Alright alright maybe one song?" I said as we walked up on stage where there was instruments.
" Everyone stand up! " Micheal yelled as we started the song ' She looks so perfect'.

✿ ✿

||| Luke |||

After the show we left and went to our car.
" That was awesome everyone! " Micheal yelled.
" Lets get food to celebrate! " I yelled.
" Lets have... A pizza party!!!! " Calum screamed at the too of his lungs.
" Okay okay!!! Pizza it is!! " I yelled at Calum.
We were all laughing as we made it to our apartment.
"Alright who is going to pay for the pizza?" Ashton asked as he plopped onto the couch.
" 1 2 3 Not it!! " Everyone yelled and Calum said it last.
" Damn it! " Calum yelled.
All of us laughed.
" Well thank you for being so kind Mr! " Micheal said as a he blew a kiss at Calum.

I went to my room and got on my laptop. I was watching American Horror Story in my bed.
" Can I come in mate? " I heared Ashton ask as he knocked on my door.
" Of course love. " I responded.
He walked in and layed next to me on my bed.
" The pizza should be coming soon. " He said as he got under the covers.
" That's good I'm starving man. " I chuckled.
" You seriously need to catch up with AHS! You're still on season 2! " He said while poking my side.
" Ow! I know, I know! " I yelled in between laughing.

||| Ashton |||

In between the episode of the show I noticed that Luke would sometimes look at me. Whenever I would look back he would continue to watch the show.
I looked up at Luke as he slowly started to look at me and then once he saw that I was looking at him he quickly turned his head away facing the screen.
I placed one of my hands on his cheek and turned his head with him facing me.
He looked down at me and I moved up closer to him.
" Luke..I.." I whispered softly.

" Guys the pizza is here!! " Micheal yelled from downstairs.

" We should get going love. " Luke said as he brushed one of his hands through my hair.

I softly noded and got out from his bed and headed downstairs.

||| Luke |||

I paused the show and climes out of bed and went downstairs.

Ever since they day I've met Ashton I felt weird about him.
I had these type of feelings about him that I can't explain.
I've tried distracting myself with other things like focusing one school and house work and dating girls.
It seems whenever I do try to date girls they don't really love me for me.. They love me for my looks and because I'm in a band but not me.
I don't know why but I just have this feeling in my guts that I have to protect Ashton and that he's mine and I think that I might..

love him?

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