Jean x Reader: Competition, pt.2

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(Here's the rest of that first Jean x reader. I think it's the last part? I didn't really write out an outline for this one, so I'm just ballparking it. There might be a third part. I may just make this really long. If you haven't read the first part please do. Here's a key, by the way.

e/c=eye color

h/c=hair color

I'm going to get more... detailed, if you know what I mean;]. Especially if you find eyes and hair sexy. Lol what am I saying just read the damn story)


You waited in you bed, drowsy but refusing to fall asleep. Jean said he wanted to show you something, and you couldn't break your promise by falling asleep. You groaned quietly into your pillow so you wouldn't wake the other girls. What was taking him so long? You were getting tired, and one can't listen to Sasha's snoring forever! Your eyes slowly began to close.

"I hope he didn't forget about me..." You whispered. As if on cue, you heard a sharp tap against the window by your bed. Your eyes snapped open and you whipped your head around to see what the tap was. It was dark, but you could faintly see the outline of a certain long-faced brown-haired boy.

"Pst! ____!" Jean scream-whispered. You held your finger up to your lips, shushing him. He nodded and gestured for you to come outside. You slowly stepped out of your bed and out into the moonlight, closing the dorm door silently behind you.

You instantly became self-conscious. Jean was dressed completely in his uniform and even had his 3D maneuvering gear on. You were in sweatpants and an old tank top. You blushed. Jean smiled. He took your hand and began to walk towards the forest.

"I guess I should have told you we were going somewhere, huh, ____?" He said, entering the forest and looking around, scanning the treetops.

"Umm... yeah. Well, how am I going to get there? What should I do?" You asked. Jean's smile transformed into a devilish grin.

"You? You don't have to do anything except..." He snaked his hand around your hip and looked you in the eye while aiming his maneuvering gear at a tree branch. "Get comfy."

Jean pulled the trigger and the two of you soared through the air. You let out some sort of scream-giggle as you threw your arms around Jean and clutched onto his shirt. the wind hit your face and blew your hair back. You looked up at Jean, who was focused but smiling and laughing with you. Then something in your eyes changed.

You wanted to look at the ground passing by, or the trees, or the sky, but you kept looking at Jean. He became... attractive. You shook your head. There was no way you liked Jean! You couldn't possibly like such a long faced, arrogant, sweet, beautiful brown-eyed...

You shook your head. No, you told yourself. I don't like Jean Kirstein! I don't! The more you told yourself that, the more you wanted to look at him, to nestle up against him, to feel safe at his side.

Without thinking, you nuzzled your head on his chest and closed your eyes. The wind had been beginning to sting them, anyway. You felt Jean's body heat rising, and you knew he was blushing. You smiled a little before you distinctly felt him flex. You opened your eyes and glared at him, but he kept swinging from tree to tree, pretending like nothing had happened.

After a couple minutes more of burning gas while swinging, you came across a clearing in the trees where an incredibly huge oak tree stood. It was 3/4ths the size of a colossal titan and looked extremely old. Jean began to swing around the edge of the tree, slowly circling up its large trunk. He strategically moved through branches and leaves, not letting a single one touch you. He pulled up on a branch with a lot of momentum and burst through the tree's crown, and landing on top of a sturdy wooden platform.

"Not too shabby, eh, ____?" He said, crossing his arms and smirking down at you.

"Yeah, whatever, Je-Senpai. Did you build this?" You said, tapping the wooden platform with your foot.

"Nope. Found it. I bet it's used to put up those fake titans and to scout out obstacle courses." He said. He uncrossed his arms and put them on your shoulders. Suddenly you spun around and faced the most beautiful sight you had ever seen. You were at the very top of the highest tree in the forest, gazing out over the entire area. there was a river that ran through a beautiful moonlit plain in the distance. A gentle wind blew through the grass, combing it and making the moonlight stripe over the entire field. The trees seemed to glow as they reflected the moon on their leaves. A few birds flew overhead.

"Jean, it's beautiful..." Your eyes couldn't take in all the beauty at once. You closed them and felt a gentle breeze blow across your face.

"Yeah..." Jean said, gazing at you. "It's beautiful." You slowly opened you eyes to see Jean's arms wrapping around you from behind. You didn't realize how cold of a night it was until he hugged you. He was so warm, and he hugged you so tightly... You put your hands on his arms, holding them as the two of you gazed out at the scene.

"It got a lot more beautiful this time," Jean said. You blushed. "Before it was just a bunch if dull trees, a river and a field. But now I don't see it that way anymore." He turned you around and looked passionately into your (e/c) eyes.

"The way you look at things, ____ , the way you see things so full of life and love, it makes me want you even more than I already do." He said, pulling you close to him.

"J-Jean... what're you saying?" You were blushing so hard you were afraid of turning into a Titan on the spot out of stress. Jean smirked.

"I guess words can't really tell you how I feel, huh? You had me really soft there. I guess this'll explain better." Jean pulled you in and tenderly kissed your lips. When he kissed you, you kissed him back, a little firmer than he was kissing you. He separated your lips and smiled a devilish smile.

"Oh, a little frisky, are we? I'll fix that..." Jean pulled you in again, hungrily kissing you. You had molded perfectly with him, kissing him back with the same ferocity. He licked you bottom lip, not so much asking but forcing his way into your mouth. He slowly began to lay you down on the platform, arms supporting your back, never breaking the kiss. His tongue was exploring your mouth, playfully licking anything it touched. He separated and kissed the part of your neck nearby your ear, making you moan. Jean was fueled by the moans and slowly began to move his kisses down your neck to your collarbone, tangling his fingers in your (h/c) hair. When he found your sweet spot by the number of moans and gasps you let out, he began to playfully bite it and gently sucked it, leaving angry red marks. He started to fumble with the bottom of your tank top, sliding his hands along your waist and belly before stopping and pulling away abruptly.

"If I continued, I'm afraid I'd take advantage of you. How about we call it a night?" Jean said, clearly proud he could get that much noise out of you.

You pouted. You didn't want to stop, but it was late and you were tired. Jean smirked when he noticed you pouting.

"Besides," He said, leaning close and whispering huskily into your ear. "We can always finish what we started tomorrow night. I wouldn't want you to be sore tomorrow- I heard we were doing more close combat." You felt shivers go down your back.

"Plus," he said, picking you up bridal style slowly. "You called me 'Jean' a lot today when you were supposed to call me Senpai. You'll need punishment." You felt a shudder go through your body from your ear to your toes. This was the only one punishment would ever sound appealing.

Within ten minutes you were back at the barracks in front of the girls' dorms. Jean gave you a sweet good-night kiss before strutting off towards the boys' dorms, so cocky you couldn't even believe it. You quietly tried to sneak into the dorms when you bumped into Sasha, who looked like she had just witnessed a Titan pole dance.

"You have a lot of explaining and juicy details to tell everyone in the morning." Sasha said, giggling before returning to her bunk. you sighed and trudged off to bed, dreading what tomorrow would bring. At least you would have Jean to keep you safe from all the crazy girls. You always had Jean.

(Wow, that was pretty fluffy there towards the end. Whew! I spent, like, three hours writing that while eating multi-grain Cheerios again and getting my Cheerio fingers all over my Zelda bedsheets. I have to wash them now and it's ten at night. FEEL BAD FOR ME!! Thanks for reading this, by the way. I'll have a lot more one-shots put up in about two weeks. If anybody had requests, I will happily take them. I'm running out of ideas.)

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