Chapter 8

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*3 months later*

Derek POV

Me and Justin are doing great he's been an amazing boyfriend so right we are cuddling in the

Couch watching a scary movie which I HATE watching..

Oh Yeah..

Chaz and Ryan are Here I completely forgot also they keep screaming when a scary part comes.

Derek: Chaz! Ryan! Stop screaming I'm trying to watch the movie

Chaz: says the one who gets scared easily -laughs-

Derek: -glares at him- at least I don't scream like a girl

Justin: okay you two stop and it's okay baby if you get scared I like it when you hide in my chest you look so cute -he kisses my cheek-

Derek: -blushes- i love you so much I'm lucky to have you in my life <3

Justin: I love you too baby

Justin POV

Well Derek's birthday is coming up in 3 days and I'm planning a surprise party for him and I

invited some friends you know who are celebrities and also his family he hasn't seen his family and

He Really misses them.

I wasn't really paying attention to the movie I was looking at Derek he looks so adorable and cute

I never knew I would find someone who loves me for me and I don't want to ever lose him he

Means everything to me <3



To be continued....

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