Chapter 2

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WARNING: Some OOCness, mentions of menstrual blood, and torture of a minor.Dont like,don’t read,but you can also skip down to the line

Also I forgot to mention that Sesshomaru is the human equivalent of being somewhere between 13 and 15.

Sesshomaru was very vaguely aware of others in his general vicinity,but he couldn’t do anything about it. He heard them,speaking in hushed tones,and they came closer still.There were about three of them,and they were all male.

“See. I told you I wasn’t crazy. It’s right here,now pay up.” The voice was nasally,and annoying.He then heard a scoff and a soft clink,supposedly money was exchanged, and whoever had received the money gave a deviant and gleeful little chuckle.

“Well now what?” Came a second voice. This one was higher and reedy,and he disliked this one as well.

“I’m pretty sure it’s dead. Not worth nearly as much as alive.But I’m sure we can still get something for the teeth and hair. Shamans and blacksmiths go nuts for demon teeth.” This third voice was gruff and skeptical. Sesshomaru instantly decided that he needed to get away from whoever these people were,and whatever they wanted from him. He went to stand and before he could so much as raise an arm,pain shot through his body.He heard the three men jump,but they soon settled.

“Holy shit it’s still alive! Did you see it twitch?” Cried Nasally. Reedy laughed and said “I think its one of those white dog demons from the West! What’s it doing all the way over here?

then Gruff clapped his hands.

“I don’t know and I don’t care. But, I do know somewhere that this thing would get us a shit ton of money! We can take it to the witch priestess in the that village.” The other two cheered. One (who he assumed to be Reedy) nudged him with a foot and he opened one bleary eye. The sun beat down from behind them so he could only see their outlines. Two tall,thin men and one larger,more robust man. Gruff,the larger man reached down and grabbed his shoulders, and dug his hands into wounds there. The pain over took him,and all went black once again.


Sesshomaru woke again after being dumped unceremoniously onto a hard surface. It was cold,and because no light pierced his eyelids, he assumed it was dark. Behind him, he felt the three familiar and definitely not comforting presence of the three men. He growled inwardly. Where the hell was he now? He cracked an eyelid to see that it was indeed dark, but he was in what appeared to be an old shack or hit of some sort. On the wall directly to his left that he could see,we’re shelves lined with dried herbs. When he rolled his eye, saw more herbs hanging from the ceiling. The gruff voice broke through his contemplation of his situation.

“See Kaede,just like we promised. A demon,and a strong one at that!” Another person,Kaede,he supposed,moved in front of him. He was roughly snatched off of the floor by his chin,and now stared into the eyes of a wrinkly old human woman. She had stringy,white hair tied back in a ponytail, and her moth set in a thin line.They stared each other in the eye for a moment,before she dropped the eye contact in favor of looking behind him.

“She’ll be here on the morrow. Ye ought to wait for her until then.I’ll be subjugating this one tonight.” the old woman grumbled. The three men laughed lavisciously. “She’ll pay us nicely right?” inquired Nasally. “Yes,yes she will bring ye thou gold.Now out with ye.” The men left,but not before kicking Sesshomaru once more,tormenting him. ‘He he,once she’s done with you,you’ll be the obedient puppy you were meant to be.” Gruff taunted as he and the others left out of the door.

“What are ye doing this far North? You are a very powerful daiyoukai,of Inu No Taisho’s clan,if I’m not mistaken. But no demon is immune to mine subjugation process. You will be useful to her.”


The subjugation process was partially exactly what Sesshomaru thought it was,and also something he didn’t expect.He was connected to the walls by hand irons around his wrists. At first he thought the whole thing would be a joke,just her circling him while chanting out of some old tome,but he quickly found this to be a lie. He was surrounded by burning incense,all stinging his nose At first,it all seemed like a load of bunk,it was her throwing cleansing salt in his face.It hurt a little,but large crystals hitting anyone in the face would sting a little. But then she ripped off what remained of his shirt,and produced a weapon like a flail. It was a cat-o-nine-tails, and there was a talisman wrapped around its handle.Kaede raised it up above her head,and yelled “JūjundearuKanojo no ishi ni shitagau!” and brought her arm down hard.He was already weak and wounded,and it felt like the strike had wrended all the flesh from his back. ‘Submit! Obey her will!’ She had said.What? What did that mean? Before he could contemplate it anymore,another strike came. He ground his teeth together. Strike. ‘A young lord would not cry out.’ He suddenly remembers his father. Strike. “Let thy will break,and thee shall be released!” She struck him again. ‘Will?’ he had not even the will to live a few hours ago. He held out for a few more strikes that seemed to increase in intensity as time went on.





‘What even is will?’ ‘What is will?’ ‘ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurts’

Up until this point he was silent,but he couldn’t take it anymore. “I-” and his torturer stopped mid swing. Her face was set in a scowl the whole time,but it softened a little. “So he speaks. Do you submit to the divine will of Her Majesty?” “....” Kaede raised the flail again and he flinched “Yes”

She smirked and turned to reach for something he couldn’t see. She walked around him and held a small stone bowl under his nose. Whatever was in the bowl was thick and red. It was clearly blood,but it smelled wrong. He had smelled this strange scent on a girl before it was- “A woman’s cycle blood has many spiritual properties,including taming demons. This particular blood as it comes from the only member of the Royal Family. Be grateful demon, to be able to submit to her will totally.” She took the bowl,and dumped its contents onto the open flesh of his back,and he screamed. She threw the bowl away in favor of  a pair of pliers and wrenched his head back. She then proceeded to rip all of his fangs from his mouth, and set them aside. She came to his side and released him from the chains. He fell to the floor,and yet again and passed out.

At this point,Sesshomaru has spent more time passed out than awake. This chapter came to me in a pretty jacked up dream. Hope you enjoyed,please read and comment.

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