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3rd POV

As the pink smoke cleared, Natsume and Narumi realized that Tsuyomi was no longer there and in his place was....... air. Meanwhile, Tsuyomi was running down the hall laughing and muttering something about how he was lucky he still had some smoke bombs he brought from his house. As Natsume heard his laughter ring across the halls he gritted his teeth in anger realizing that, once again, Tsuyomi had fooled him. While he was getting madder and madder by the second just thinking about the new boy, Narumi slowly made his way out of the classroom, not wanting to face the boy's wrath (smart choice bro). Meanwhile Tsuyomi, who had gotten a pretty good distance away, finally stopped laughing and running to try to catch his breath. As he was doing that he noticed that today was the for your alice based classes, which he been informed that he was in the special class the day before, and decided to start to make his way towards class. As he was doing that he noticed Mikan a bit farther ahead of where he was standing. As he made his way towards her, she noticed him started talking to him as he got closer. "Hey Tsuyomi, I heard you were in the special class, Is it true?" she asked as Tsuyomi finally stood in front of her. "Yeah, why," he said, confirming the rumor, while looking confusingly at her. "Good because that's my class and I wanted to show you our cool sempais," she exclaimed as she started to pull Tsuyomi towards the opposite direction of where he was headed. 'Huh? I guess I was going in the wrong direction," he thought as Mikan dragged him. Then she stopped ,as if she just realized something, and started to walk in the opposite direction. '... Or maybe not," he thought again as they went back in the direction he was previously walking in as Mikan laughed nrevously. "It's going to be so much fun to have someone else in the special class with me," she said as she smiled brightly at him. 'I swear this fuqin girl is too fucking bright for her own fuqin good,' he thought as she continued dragging him to class "Oh well.." he said under his breath after he let put a tired sigh escape his lips. "Huh? Did you say something Tsuyomi?" Mikan asked as they got neared to their destination (FINAL DESTINATION!!) "Nah, I didn't say shat," he said as they stopped in front of a door. "Huh? Is this it," He questioned as he tilted his head slightly. "Yup!" She exclaimed smiling even brighter (If it was possible) and put her hand on the handle to open the door. And ....

My brain stopped workin sorry see ya next time

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