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"I'm heading into the Maze tomorrow morning with Scott. Alby and Newt are in charge." Nick stood before the Gladers, his face read nothing into how he felt.

A few boys complained saying that Alby and Newt shouldn't be in charge. Alby cast a cold, threatening look at any of those boys who immediately shut up.

"New Greenbean soon," Drew leaned over and whispered into Ryan's ear.

Relief washed over Ryan at the thought. Chuck wasn't a bad kid, but he had a tendency to annoy the klunk out of everyone but Newt. Hopefully, Chuck and the new Greenie would get along, and Ryan wouldn't have to deal with him as much.

"Yeah, two days." Ryan kept him eyes on Newt, who stood in front of the group, backed by the other original Gladers. He looked better than he had two months ago. He looked stronger and somehow a bit happier than he had before.

"There has been sightings of Grievers during the day," Nick said. His eyes search the room. "I plan to get to the bottom of it."

"It's about time!" The raspy voice of Gally spat.

Nick glared daggers at the Builder. "I want everything to be business as usual, got it?"

Gally rolled his eyes but joined in the droning group of boys saying yep or got it.

"Let's get out of here," Drew murmured.

"But Nick's not done talking yet," Ryan protested.

"Don't care, let's go." Drew took hold of Ryan's sleeve and dragged him out of the dark building.

Outside night had fallen, and all was quiet.

"What's your deal, man?" Ryan snapped, yanking his shirt free of the boy's grip.

"What's my deal? What's your deal! You and Newt are all googly eyes for each other, and you think I'm just gonna sit back and watch? Shuck that."

"What're you saying? Googly eyes?"

"You like him, or whatever, and he likes you. You always stare at each other."

"Why does it bother you if I look at someone? You're the one being weird."

"No you like him and that's weird. You're a boy and he's a boy. Boys are supposed to like girls."

"Drew! What the klunk man! So what if I like a boy? There's no shucking girls here and I can't even remember any so what does it matter?"

"So you're admitting you like him?"


A large grin crept to Drew's face. "You like Newt. You want kiss and hug and love him right?"

Heat permeated Ryan's cheeks and he wanted to blow up. "What? NO! Don't say it like that."

"Wait what just happened here? You slitheads better start explaining."

Ryan's eyes bolted open. He and Drew turned to face the entrance to the building where Newt and Minho stood. Minho had his arms crossed over his chest and Newt just kicked at the ground without even trying to hide his discomfort.

"Oh klunk," Ryan gasped.

"Ryan likes Newt," Drew said outright. "Not in a weird way but like the they-would-make-a-cute-couple way."

Newt looked up shocked and gasping loudly. "Bloody hell," he hissed.

Minho beamed. "About shucking time. I've been waiting for ever to get my bet money from Scott. I said before, if anything happened he owed me two days worth of running snacks. I'm not passing up on snacks."

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